Alumni Board Update – May 2022

Greetings Alumni,

Spring is in the air! With it, we hope for new beginnings in line with this issue’s theme of good news and moving forward. Current alumni board member, Christine Nielsen, wrote the feature story about how we are moving ahead in these times and the alumni board’s personal reflections on the pandemic.

As previously mentioned in my last update, the alumni board successfully hosted Alumni Meet and Greets with current students in the disciplines of Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, Respiratory Therapy, Chiropody and Medical Laboratory Technology.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kayla Mah who was the successful recipient of the Michener Alumni Association Scholarship at Michener’s 2022 virtual Student Awards ceremony. And congratulations to all other recipients.

As for the next couple months, the alumni board is busy preparing to welcome new members, graduates of 2022, during our first in-person convocation ceremony in two years. We are excited to be back at it!

As always, let us know if you have comments or suggestions at We are always happy to hear from you!


Ruvette Coelho, MRT(T), MBA
Radiation Therapy
Class of 2011