Alumni Board Update – November 2022

Hello Michener Alumni,

I hope you all had a wonderful summer connecting with loved ones, the outdoors and everything that is your definition of summer.

We began this academic year with a return to more in-person activities beginning with Orientation from August 31 to Sept 2. The event was a huge success and it set a tone of excitement and positivity for the academic year. On behalf of the Alumni Association, I attended the Michener Orientation Assembly to remind incoming students that they are members of the Alumni Association right from day one, and that the alumni community is here from start to finish … from Orientation through to Convocation. We wish all the new and returning students, staff and faculty a great year ahead.

On September 30, we recognized Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with a ceremony and sacred fire in Michener’s Gitigan (indigenous garden). It is was a time to reflect on the residential school experience and the healing journey for many survivors and their families and a time to commit to the ongoing process of reconciliation.

This issue’s alumni profile (Dean Maxwell, Med Lab class of ’97, Laboratory Manager for Public Health Ontario) is another example of how our alumni are leaders in Canada’s health care system and essential frontline workers in the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ruvette Coelho, MRT(T), MBA
Radiation Therapy
Class of 2011