Diabetes Nurse Educator
Anishnawbe Health Toronto
Duties & Responsibilities:
• Perform duties within the Diabetes Education Program (DEP) team
• Develop and implement diabetes management education programing
• Contribute to the development of policies, procedures, protocols, medical directives and best practice
• Develop programs for health promotion and disease prevention for diabetic clients
• Contribute to the development of client centered healing paths, in conjunction with and in collaboration
with clients, health care providers and Traditional Healers, Elders and Medicine People
• Provide diabetes education and monitoring services to individual clients to better manage diabetes
• Other related duties as assigned
Qualifications & Experience:
• Registration with the College of Nurses of Ontario
• Current certification as a Diabetes Educator
• 2 years’ experience in Diabetes Education Programing
• Effective consultation and collaboration skills
• Ability to develop program curriculum
• Ability to function independently and within a multidisciplinary team
• Respect for and an understanding of Aboriginal culture, traditions and teachings
• Knowledge of Aboriginal health issues and the impacts of post-colonial and residential school histories
• Clinical experience in diabetes management
Job Posting Link
Anishnawbe Health Torontowebsite
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