Nova Scotia Innovating to Train Healthcare Workers Faster

The province of Nova Scotia is moving quickly to train more students for high-demand healthcare jobs across Nova Scotia.

The Departments of Advanced Education and Health and Wellness, along with Nova Scotia Health, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Toronto-based Michener Institute of Education at University Health Network. The Michener Institute specializes in applied health sciences education and provides training opportunities for critical positions within the healthcare system. The MOU establishes a relationship with the institute to explore innovative opportunities to increase training capacity for positions that are in demand in the Nova Scotia healthcare system.

“We’ve made a promise to all Nova Scotians to improve healthcare,” said Brian Wong, Minister of Advanced Education. “To fulfill that promise and to address urgent needs, we know we need more students training in critical healthcare jobs where there are labour gaps and where we currently lack capacity to train them as quickly as we’d like to in Nova Scotia. The Michener Institute is a world-renowned training provider that has an impressive track record. I am proud of this partnership and the opportunities it could create for our students here at home.”

With the MOU in place, work will begin immediately to identify priority program areas, training delivery and funding. The Province will share details when finalized.


“The healthcare system has a great need for well-trained and dedicated people. With this MOU with the Michener Institute, the government continues to build on its efforts to date, such as hiring all graduating nurses and creating the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment, to improve the labour situation in healthcare.”
– Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health and Wellness

“We are keen to partner with the Michener Institute to provide Nova Scotia students with another option for accessing specialized training to become healthcare professionals who want to live and work in Nova Scotia. This partnership will ensure we are able to support training for highly competitive positions by providing hands-on learning opportunities in our facilities. Hands-on training is invaluable to the student experience and increases the likelihood of students staying in Nova Scotia.”
– Karen Oldfield, President and CEO, Nova Scotia Health

“For more than 60 years, the Michener Institute of Education at UHN has been graduating much-needed health professionals to work in complex areas of health care and support excellent patient care. We look forward to partnering with Nova Scotia as we continue to fulfill our commitments and obligations to Ontario.”
– Harvey P. Weingarten, Principal, Michener Institute of Education, University Health Network

Quick Facts:

– The Michener Institute is the only Canadian post-secondary institute that specializes exclusively in applied health sciences education
– The institute is part of the University Health Network, which includes several academic and research hospitals in Ontario, including Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute