Ever wonder who’s behind student events? Or who you can talk to about student issues? Michener’s Student Council is made up of an elected group of students who represent your interests and work to make sure you have the best experience possible at Michener.

The Student Council executive committee is:
(Clockwise from top)
Heng, Treasurer (Second year, Medical Laboratory Science)
Camille, President (Second year, Radiation Therapy)
Annamaria, Vice President (Second year, Radiation Therapy)
Lauren, Secretary (Second year, Medical Laboratory Science)
What does Student Council do?
Camille: The Student Council represents all students and aims to serve their interests. That ranges from entertainment and activities to academics and advocacy. Basically, we’re a physical presence on campus, and if students have issues that they want to raise, they can bring them to us.
How can students get involved with Student Council?
Annamaria: Every year we do elections for class representatives. We’ll then have weekly meetings where the reps bring us information and can take information from us back to their class.
Why should students get involved?
Heng: It’s a very easy way to practice your leadership skills and learn something new. It’s a good platform to serve the students and your classmates. Overall, I think it’s a great learning opportunity.
Camille: Community is important and there’s a lot that you can do outside of the classroom to enhance your experience at Michener. It serves you and benefits you to get involved with extra-curricular activities and to socialize with your peers.
Annamaria: Because I’m not from the Greater Toronto Area, like a lot of students are, Student Council is a good way to meet new people and a good way to learn what’s going on in the city. The way I see it, I want to know what’s going on, whether it’s basketball games, plays, or ways to volunteer.
Lauren: It’s a great way to have a say in what’s going on at the school. Sometimes, things won’t happen unless you say something.
What is your favourite thing about being involved in Student Council?
Annamaria: Knowing what’s going on all the time. Before I decided to join the Student Council, I became friends with council members right away. I wanted to know about the orientation boat cruise, what food would be there and what’s going on.
Heng: You get to go behind-the-scenes on all the events … how we came up with ideas and how things get organized. It’s a very amazing experience.
Annamaria: And sometimes a lot more work than you think.
Camille: I have a hard time picking favourites, but I would say honing professional and leadership skills has probably been the best part about my experience on council.
Student Council Trivia
First-year students might remember a different Q & A with Student Council during orientation. We turned the questions back on them to get the scoop on Student Council trivia:
Who had the furthest distance to come to Michener? Draw between Annamaria (Thunder Bay) and Heng (China, but he’s been living in Toronto for six years)
Who has the most siblings? Camille (four)
Tiniest hands? Lauren
Longest name? Annamaria (16 letter, including last name)
Biggest feet? Heng
Biggest hair? Annamaria (“It gets pretty big in the humidity”)