Q&A with Class of 2016 Valedictorian Eryl Fraser

Convocation is just over a week away and to get ready, we asked medical laboratory science graduand, former Student Council Vice President, Orientation Week Coordinator, student representative on the Alumni Board and 2016 Valedictorian Eryl Fraser about her time at Michener, what inspires her and what she is looking forward to most in the future.

As the Class of 2016 gets ready to graduate on June 25, tell us what inspired you by using #MichenerGrad16 on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Eryl-ValedictorianWhat inspired you to go into medical laboratory science?

When I finished my undergrad degree, I knew I wanted to be involved in a medical field, but I wasn’t sure which one. Medical laboratory sciences has so many different disciplines, so I went in hoping to figure it out along the way. Once I started the program, transfusion science quickly caught my interest and I’m so happy to be working in it now.

Who or what had the biggest impact on your overall success at Michener?

I owe all my success at Michener to one little phrase: “What’s the worst that could happen?”

In my first year I was hesitant to volunteer for things or apply for opportunities, until one day I realized that if you don’t try out for things, there’s no chance you’ll get them. After that, I started applying for every opportunity that came my way. Next thing I knew I was deeply involved in Student Council, Orientation and the Alumni Association. I met people, made friends and gained experiences that I otherwise would have cheated myself out of.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years?

In five years I hope to still be working and gaining experience at St. Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto in our transfusion lab. I’d like to continue my education, and maybe work my way towards a Masters degree. In 10 years I’d love to come back and teach at Michener!

What is the single biggest accomplishment that you’re most proud of from your time at Michener?

Personally, my greatest accomplishment is my involvement in Admissions and Recruitment. If I helped even a single person find a career they’re going to love as much as I enjoy mine, then I don’t think I could be more satisfied. My experience at Michener was really enriched by my involvement, so I also hope I help inspire other students to get involved.

What advice do you have for future Michener students?

You only get as much out of something as you put into it! Love what you do and don’t lose sight of the big picture.

Any special message to the Class of 2016?

Congratulations and thank you all! Michener was more of a relay race than a marathon, and I wouldn’t have made it here if it weren’t for help from so many others. I’ll never forget you for it and I hope we’ll meet again out in our fields.