Out with the old, and in with the new CT Scanner

A solid year of negotiating and maneuvering between Michener and UHN staff, the Ministry of Health, and the health technology industry will pay off in late February when a 64-slice…

Michener Blog: Turf (Toe) Wars

In the latest post on the Michener blog, Antonietta Galati, Clinical Coordinator and Manager of the Chiropody Student Teaching Clinic at the Michener Institute of Education at UHN asks: could…

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a new school year – and welcome to all of Michener’s newest students joining us as the first official class of The Michener Institute of Education at…

2016 Survival Tips from Upper-Year Students

The first week of school is often both an exciting and daunting experience. Especially in an environment as unique as Michener, this means adjusting to new classes, meeting new friends…