Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Suites
Michener’s St. Patrick Campus features multiple large simulation suites, as well as 24 clinical exam rooms for testing and assessment.
- Clinical exam rooms, located on the 3rd floor, have front hallway access for candidates and rear hallway access for examiners
- All rooms offer built-in recording equipment configured to the CAE LearningSpace® web-based recording and debriefing system
- Video recordings can be easily exported from the system
- Examiner corridors behind clinical exam rooms have one-way glass and control panels for viewing and monitoring
- Suites are acoustically separated and have restricted access to ensure examination integrity
- Fully customizable overhead announcement system
- Separate rooms to accommodate standardized patients, examiners, candidates, administration and AV personnel
- Multifunctional reception area
Simulation Theatre
Michener’s St. Patrick Campus provides a variety of simulation facilities and environments to enable education and assessment of health professions using collaborative patient-centered practice scenarios. They include:
- Simulation studios: flexible spaces that can be set up to simulate patient room, triage unit, operating room, etc.
- Fully integrated recording equipment configured to the CAE LearningSpace® recording and debriefing system
- Staging studio: rooms with sliding partitions to double, triple or quadruple size and allow for multiple scenarios
- Control rooms
- Elevated and feature one-way glass for scenario monitoring
- Two-way communication between control rooms and simulation rooms
- Infrastructure available to control mannequins and AV recording
- Debrief, multi-purpose and breakout rooms with:
- Infrastructure to support viewing and debriefing previously recorded AV via CAE LearningSpace®
- Projector, motorized screen, cameras
Simulated Participant Program
Michener’s Simulated Participant (SP) Program enhances communication capacity, reinforces therapeutic alliances and provides reflective feedback through dynamic portrayals by trained simulation professionals.
As a member of the global simulated participant (SP) community of practice, we are a leader in SP methodology. We are dedicated to inspiring lifelong learning, bridging student success at entry-to-practice with continuous professional development through innovative human-centred communication.
- Integrity
- We are dedicated to ethical, transparent and evidence-informed education
- We are committed to inclusive authorship and representation in all simulation activity
- Safety and wellness
- We are committed to preserving and promoting safety equitably for all stakeholders across the healthcare education spectrum
- We embrace the imperative to do no harm by respecting the complexity of communication
- Compassion
- We listen respectfully and respond compassionately to the diverse perspective of patients, colleagues, learners and faculty
- Collaboration
- We value all stakeholders as essential contributors to the education process
- We foster partnerships, teamwork, and co-creation through relationship building
Who are Simulated Participants?
Simulated participants (SPs) are individuals who are trained to portray authentic roles to facilitate experiential learning, including patients, clients, health care professionals, and family members (Lewis et al., 2017). They are not ‘used’ as a tool, but rather engaged as a living resource. They are not ‘actors’ (normally associated with entertainment) but highly trained, skilled individuals who provide constructive communication feedback from the perspective of the client or patient, and always with the learner as their central focus.
SPs may be engaged for both formative learning and summative assessment. For the purposes of summative assessment, SPs are typically trained to behave in a highly repeatable or standardized manner in order to give every learner a fair and equal opportunity (Lewis et al., 2017).
Potential Simulated Participants
If you are interested in working with Michener’s Simulated Participant Program, please send your CV to spprogram@michener.ca. SP positions are part-time casual.
Our Services
With 20,000 square feet of simulation space, we make up one of the largest simulation-based learning centres in Canada and will serve our larger community as an innovative space where interprofessional, simulation-based learning and evaluation can occur. Our expertise in curriculum design and delivery makes our centre the perfect partner in your organization’s learning and education plans.
Video Recording
CAE LearningSpace is an audio-visual system that is used in healthcare simulation to record students in order for them to observe and reflect on their performance. Recording infrastructure is installed throughout CASE, and in select discipline-specific labs, including CT, general X-ray, Ultrasound, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, and Respiratory Therapy. CASE staff are available to setup and coordinate video recording.
High Fidelity Manikin Operation
Manikins are specially created models used in healthcare education to simulate physiological and anatomical features of real patients.
Using manikins in clinical simulations allows students to ‘practice on plastic’ first. The reality of manikin-based simulations allows for virtual feedback using computers that regulate the manikin’s compressors, mimicking pulses and chest raising. These life-like manikins simulate heart tones and other vital cues that when connected to monitors, provides real-time information to students. By practicing true clinical skills in a safe and regulated environment, future health care professionals learn permanent and excellent evaluation and treatment techniques. CASE staff are available to operate manikins and refine simulation scenarios that leverage this modality.
Why moulage? We believe it can increase knowledge and performance by suspending disbelief, engaging the senses, adding realism, providing clues and supporting decision making. Moulage is a tool that can be used to help students look for physical signs in a diagnosis and is never meant to distract from the case but to enhance the objectives. Examples of what we can do are : vomit, blood, bruises, wounds, ulcers, rashes. Why not talk to us about what we might be able to do for you?
Debriefing Support
Debriefing clinical simulation experiences is increasingly understood as a crucial step in clarifying and consolidating insights and lessons from simulations. CASE staff are available to act as co-debriefers for faculty subject matter experts.
Our Equipment
The Centre for Learning, Innovation and Simulation has access to a number of clinical and simulation equipment integral to the delivery of authentic training scenarios.
Equipment includes:
- 2 Adult High Fidelity Manikins (Gaumard HAL S3201)
- 3 Adult High Fidelity Manikins (Laerdal SimMan Classic)
- 2 Pediatric High Fidelity Manikins (Laerdal SimBaby)
- 3 Adult Low Fidelity Manikins
- 11 Mechanical Ventilators (adult and pediatric available)
- 1 Anesthetic Gas Machine (GE Avance)
- 2 Crash Carts, including simulated medications
- 30 Venipuncture Task Trainers
- 1 Central Line Task Trainer (Chester Chest)
- 4 Arterial Line Task Trainer
- 10 Intubation Task Trainers
- 2 VentriloScopes (breath sounds trainer for use with Simulated Patients)
- 1 Portable Lift (Hoyer)
- 1 Ceiling Lift
Please contact us at clis@michener.ca for current rental pricing.
Welcome to Michener’s Simulation Studios
Located within the Michener Institute of Education at UHN, St. Patrick Campus, our simulation space is the largest simulation-based learning centre in Canada and serves our larger community as an innovative space where interprofessional, simulation-based learning and evaluation can occur. The centre includes simulation suites and debrief rooms, as well as 24 clinical examination rooms typically used for objective structured clinical evaluations (OSCEs).
For a glimpse inside the learning centre and to see how the spaces can work for your learning and evaluation requirements, click below to experience our virtual tour.
Please contact clis@michener.ca if you are interested in booking or if you have any questions about our services.
Take a virtual tour of our simulation spaceVirtual Tour Navigation Tools
Select the room you would like to visit from the drop-down menu at the top of the tour page. Alternatively, click on the floor plan icon in the bottom navigation bar to view a map. Once the map appears on your screen, click on any room in the map that displays a blue pin to view that specific room.
See below to view detailed descriptions of all rooms in the tour. You can also find this information in the bottom navigation bar by clicking on the “i” icon.
4th floor
4th floor planClick the map to enlarge. Once the map appears, click on any room in the map with a blue pin to view that specific room. |
4th floor lobbyOur virtual tour page starts with 4th floor lobby. |
Medium Suite – 419Room 419 is one of our four medium-sized simulation suites. It is set up for a Respiratory Therapy scenario where students learn how to safely manage changes in the airway of a sophisticated manikin (SimMan). Each medium suite features:
Medium Suite – 414/415Room 414/415 is one of our four medium-sized simulation suites. It is set up for a Cardiovascular Perfusion scenario where students learn how to use a heart-lung machine during simulated open heart surgery. Each medium suite features:
Medium Suite – 412/413Room 412/413 is one of our four medium-sized simulation suites. It is set up for a Pediatric Advanced Life Support course offered through our Continuing Education Department. Each medium suite features:
Medium Suite – 409Room 409 is one of our four medium-sized simulation suites. It is set up for a Pediatric Advanced Life Support course offered through our Continuing Education Department. Room 409 also features a ceiling lift for patient transfers. Each medium suite features:
Large Suite – 401 NorthRoom 401 is our largest simulation suite and is ideal for mixed lecture/simulation events. 401 also features:
Large Suite – 401 SouthRoom 401 is our largest simulation suite and is ideal for mixed lecture/simulation events. 401 also features:
Procedure Room – 406Room 406 is ideal for procedures where functional plumbing is required, including moulage preparation and hand washing education. |
Debrief Room – 404Room 404 is an example of one of our larger debrief rooms on the 4th floor and can accommodate approximately 20 people. A computer and projector with Internet access are standard features and can be used to access our web-based video recording and debriefing platform. Debrief Room 404 has the same layout and features as room 403. |
Debrief Room – 416Room 416 is an example of one of our smaller debrief rooms on the 4th floor and can accommodate approximately 20 people. A computer and projector with Internet access are standard features and can be used to access our web-based video recording and debriefing platform. Debrief Room 416 has the same layout and features as rooms 418 and 420. |
3rd floor
3rd floor planClick the map to enlarge. Once the map appears, click on any room in the map with a blue pin to view that specific room. |
3rd floor lobbyWelcome to the 3rd floor of the Centre for the Advancement of Simulation and Education (CASE). The 3rd floor is focused on assessment, with 24 clinical examination rooms that are frequently used for objective structured clinical evaluations (OSCEs). It also houses Michener’s Chiropody Clinic, which supports the Chiropody Program and offers foot care to the public. |
North OSCEThis is a representative layout of one of our clinical examination rooms in the north corridor. We have a total of 24 OSCE suites, all of which are fully integrated with audio/visual equipment for external monitoring and video recording. It is possible to initiate video recording in all 24 OSCEs with the single click of a button, and assessors and learners can remotely view recordings via our web-based platform. Additionally, all OSCEs have integrated overhead announcements that can be pre-recorded or done in real-time. Each OSCE room also includes:
South OSCEThis is a representative layout of one of our clinical examination rooms in the south corridor. We have a total of 24 OSCE suites, all of which are fully integrated with audio/visual equipment for external monitoring and video recording. It is possible to initiate video recording in all 24 OSCEs with the single click of a button, and assessors and learners can remotely view recordings via our web-based platform. Additionally, all OSCEs have integrated overhead announcements that can be pre-recorded or done in real-time. Each OSCE room also includes:
East OSCEThis is a representative layout of one of our clinical examination rooms in the south corridor. We have a total of 24 OSCE suites, all of which are fully integrated with audio/visual equipment for external monitoring and video recording. It is possible to initiate video recording in all 24 OSCEs with the single click of a button, and assessors and learners can remotely view recordings via our web-based platform. Additionally, all OSCEs have integrated overhead announcements that can be pre-recorded or done in real-time. Each OSCE room also includes:
West OSCEThis is a representative layout of one of our clinical examination rooms in the south corridor. We have a total of 24 OSCE suites, all of which are fully integrated with audio/visual equipment for external monitoring and video recording. It is possible to initiate video recording in all 24 OSCEs with the single click of a button, and assessors and learners can remotely view recordings via our web-based platform. Additionally, all OSCEs have integrated overhead announcements that can be pre-recorded or done in real-time. Each OSCE room also includes:
Holding Room – 331/332Located just to the left of reception, room 331/332 is an ideal small classroom or holding room for workshops and OSCEs. It can accommodate up to 30 people in classroom style, and comes standard with a computer and projector with Internet access. |
Holding Room – 318/319Located in the west corridor, room 318/319 is an ideal small classroom or holding room for workshops and OSCEs. It can accommodate up to 30 people in classroom style and comes standard with a computer and projector with Internet access. |