Annual Program Quality Review Policy

Annual Program Quality Review Policy
DepartmentAcademic/Centre for Program Review & Accreditation
Creation DateDecember 19, 2022
Approval DateFebruary 14, 2023
Effective DateFebruary 15, 2023


The Michener Institute’s academic programs will be subject to continual quality assurance processes and mechanisms. Program delivery methods and curriculum are reviewed and aligned with quality improvements and pedagogical practices. To ensure quality, programs use a review process that has been approved by the Senior Management Team.


This policy applies to academic programs offered at the Michener Institute. Wherever possible, this policy is aligned with program accreditation requirements.


This policy ensures the content and delivery of programs for which a credential is awarded are responsive, current, and relevant in meeting employer, community, student, and government needs. To support this, Michener is committed to embedding an evidence-informed quality assurance process to ensure continuous quality improvement (CQI) in all educational programs.


Academic Programs: a planned and coordinated selection of courses delivered to an identified student body leading to a certificate, diploma, degree, or other credential awarded by the Michener Institute of Education at UHN.

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI): a systemic process to improve courses and program through an ongoing cycle of monitoring, reviewing, and improving using real-time, documentation or program performance.

Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB): an Ontario agency that makes recommendations to the Minister of Colleges and University of Ontario on applications for ministerial consent under the terms of the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000.


All Michener programs, full and part time, will conduct an Annual Program Quality Review (APQR) according to the APQR process. In addition to this, any Michener based degree programs requiring consent renewal will engage in the Internal Program Review Process in accordance with PEQAB requirements.

Policy Elaboration

Michener programs of study will implement quality improvement mechanisms to ensure adherence to standards, requirements, and best practices in program development, delivery, and review.

The APQR process will consider the following:

  • program delivery
  • program design
  • strategic enrolment management
  • innovation
  • practice changes

Institutional Authority

The Head of Academic Affairs and Operations, or designate, is responsible for the oversight of the Michener Annual Program Quality Review Process.

The Head of Academic Affairs and Operations, or designate, is responsible for the ensuring that annual quality program reviews are undertaken, and where quality concerns are raised, will monitor the timely implementation of improvements in conjunction with the Academic Chair.

Associated Documentation

Annual Program and Quality Review Procedure

Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB) Manual for Public Organizations