Examination Invigilation Policy

AC-REG-POL-010 Examination Invigilation Policy | |
Department | Academic |
Approval Date | May 29, 2019 |
Effective Date | September 3, 2019 |
Organizational Scope
The policy applies to all staff, faculty, and students in all programs offered in The Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”).
The purpose of this policy is:
- To establish clear standards, expectations and procedures for conduct during examinations
- To promote the principle of procedural fairness in a transparent, respectful and confidential manner.
Students with special needs will be accommodated as required. Please refer to the Accommodation Policy.
- It is recommended that at least two (2) Invigilators be present when 35 or more students are writing an exam. For smaller groups of students, one Invigilator with one standby Invigilator is acceptable.
- The layout of the room should be checked to ensure that students have adequate space in which to write. The clocks and audio-visual aids should be checked to ensure they are functioning correctly.
- The Invigilator(s) shall arrive at the examination room at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the exam in order to ensure proper room set-up and exam distribution.
- Students shall be informed as to what materials may be taken into the room prior to the examination.
- Materials not required for the examination should be placed in assigned lockers. Other items are to be deposited in areas designated by the Invigilator(s) and are not to be taken to the examination desk or table.
- Programmable calculators are not permitted into the examination room. Calculators will be provided.
- Cellular telephones, pagers, computers and other communication devices (such as smart watches or items with audio/video/picture capability) are not permitted at the examination table and must be turned off and deposited with other items or left in the locker.
- Students shall arrive at the examination room at least five (5) minutes before the commencement of the examination.
- Only students writing the examination, invigilators, and other Michener personnel as required, shall be permitted into an examination room during an examination.
- Students will not be allowed to leave and re-enter the examination room once the exam commences.
- In general, a student shall not be admitted into the examination room fifteen (15) minutes after the commencement of the examination, or leave until at least half an hour after the examination has commenced. Exceptions for this item shall be at the discretion of the Invigilator(s).
- If a student is late and is allowed to enter the examination room, the time allotted for completion of the exam and the student seat placement is at the discretion of the Invigilator(s).
- Students absent for the examination should refer to Missed Compulsory Evaluations Policy.
- Invigilators will be responsible for informing students of the specific conditions at the beginning of the examination (e.g., length of time of the exam, time warnings, no re-entry to exam, etc.).
- The Invigilator(s) shall have the authority to assign seats to students.
- The Invigilator(s) shall inform the students that they will not be allowed to leave and re-enter the examination room once the exam commences.
- For exams greater than 3 hours in duration, bathroom breaks will be at the discretion of the invigilator(s).
- Except for water in a transparent bottle, eating or drinking is not permitted in the examination room
- Students shall present a Michener photo ID and/or one additional piece of photo ID in order to write examinations and place it in a conspicuous place on their desks
- Students may be asked to sign into the examination.
- The Invigilator(s) shall instruct the students to enter their full name and student ID number in the appropriate places on the examination paper as well as the computer answer sheets.
- The Invigilator(s) shall count the number of students in the examination room at the commencement of the examination.
- Students shall answer examination questions according to instructions provided on the examination paper.
- The Invigilator(s) is not responsible for answering any questions pertaining to the content of the examination. With such requests, the Invigilator(s) shall direct the student to clearly note it on the examination paper.
- Students shall not communicate with one another in any manner whatsoever during the examination.
- Invigilator(s) will be present and attending to/observing student conduct during the entire exam
- Should a student be observed cheating during an exam (refer to Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure), the Invigilator may remove the examination paper from the student immediately. Any unauthorized material observed in the student’s possession shall be confiscated by the Invigilator(s) immediately and included with documentation of the incident.
- The Invigilator shall inform the student that the incident will be reported to the Program Communication Liaison.
- The second or standby invigilator may be called for support.
- All violations of academic integrity shall be formally documented using the Academic Integrity Violation Report.
- Penalties for violation of academic integrity are outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and may include a grade of “F” and/or 0% for that examination and/or dismissal from their program, as well as the loss of academic credit.
- During the examination, the Invigilator(s) may indicate the elapsed time and may indicate when 10 minutes is remaining until the completion of the examination. Indication can be made clearly on a blackboard or overhead projector or by making an announcement.
- Students shall not be permitted to leave the examination room and shall remain in their seats during the final ten (10) minutes of the examination period.
- The Invigilator(s) shall announce the conclusion of an examination, whereupon all writing shall cease. The invigilator(s) may assign a zero/fail for students who fail to observe this requirement.
- The invigilator(s) may request students remain quietly in their seats until all exams have been collected.
- Examination papers or materials issued for the examination shall not be removed from the examination room without the authority of the Invigilator(s).
- Once all students have left the room, the Invigilator(s) shall count all papers to ensure all are accounted for.
Associated Documentation
- Accessability and Accommodation Policy
- Missed Compulsory Evaluations Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
- Academic Integrity Violation Report
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
October 23, 2013 | PCLs, PCL sub-group, Director Academic, and Registrar Academic Approval Council | Consolidation of Examination Policy and Invigilation Guidelines Organized document for better flow Tightening of wording to reduce breadth of interpretation Added clause to allow water in clear, plastic bottles Recommendation that calculators be provided by program |
June 30, 2015 | PCLs, PCL sub group, Sr. Director Academic Planning & Operations | Review of policy as per AAC approval October 2013. Minor changes for clarity. |
May 29, 2019 | Cathy Carson, Registrar | Minor wording changes and addition of reference to Academic Integrity Policy |