Formal Program Review Self-Study Terms of Reference

AC-TOR-046 Formal Program Review Self-Study Terms of Reference | |
Creation Date | July 17, 2020 |
Approval Date | July 20, 2020 |
Effective Date | September 8, 2020 |
Organizational Scope
The Terms of Reference for Formal Program Review apply to all full-time and part-time programs offered in The Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”).
The terms of reference documents identifies the key areas to be addressed in the formal review self-study of diploma, undergraduate and graduate degree programs and must address the core program evaluation criteria laid out below including PEQAB standards for degree offerings. Criteria may be enhanced to meet the needs of the specific programs.
Core Program Evaluation Objectives:
- Program is consistent with the institution’s mission and program/program cluster academic plans.
- Program requirements and learning outcomes are clear, appropriate and align with the relevant diploma, undergraduate and/or graduate Degree-Level Expectations.
Admission Requirements
- Admission requirements are appropriately aligned with the learning outcomes established for completion of the program.
- The curriculum reflects the current state of the discipline or area of study and is appropriate for the level of the program.
- Evidence of any significant innovation or creativity in the content and/or delivery of the program relative to other such programs.
- Mode(s) of delivery to meet the program’s identified learning outcomes are appropriate and effective.
- Evidence the curriculum and delivery meet particular learning needs and styles of students.
Assessment of Learning
- Methods for assessing student achievement of the defined learning outcomes and degree learning expectations are appropriate and effective.
- Appropriateness and effectiveness of the means of assessment in clearly demonstrating achievement of the program learning objectives and the relevant Degree-Level Expectations.
- Appropriateness and effectiveness of the academic program or program cluster’s use of existing human, physical and financial resources in delivering its program(s) recognizing the institution’s autonomy in determining priorities for funding, space and faculty allocation.
- Materials, equipment, facilities are current and facilitate/support delivery of program.
- Program has taken advantage of advances in technology to enhance learning.
Quality Indicators
Outcome measures of student performance and achievement are of particular interest. There are also important input and process measures which are known to have a strong association with quality outcomes. It is expected that many of the following listed examples will be widely used.
- Faculty: qualifications, research and scholarly record; class sizes; percentage of classes taught by permanent or non-permanent (contractual) faculty; numbers, assignments and qualifications of part-time or temporary faculty;
- Students: application and registration history; attrition rates; time to completion; final-year academic achievement; graduation rates; academic awards; student in-course reports on teaching;
- Graduates: rates of graduation; employment six months and two years after graduation; postgraduate study; “skills match”; and alumni reports on program quality when available and when permitted (FIPPA).
- Assessment of the programs relative to the best of their kind offered in Canada, North America and internationally, including areas of strength and opportunities.
Quality Enhancement
- Initiatives taken to enhance the quality of the program and the associated learning and teaching environment.
Additional Graduate Program Criteria
- Evidence that students’ time to completion is both monitored and managed in relation to the program’s defined length and program requirements.
- Quality and availability of graduate supervision.
- Definition and application of indicators that provide evidence of faculty, student and program quality, for example:
- Faculty: funding, honours and awards, and commitment to student mentoring;
- Students: grade level for admission, scholarly output, success rates in provincial and national scholarships, competitions, awards and commitment to professional and transferable skills;
- Program: evidence of a program structure that will ensure the intellectual quality of the student experience
Associated Documentation
Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB)
Quality Assurance and Formal Program Review Policy
Quality Assurance and Formal Program Review Procedure
Quality Assurance and Formal Program Review Flowchart
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
July 17, 2020 | Sydney Redpath, Fiona Cherryman, Ann Russell | Terms of Reference to complement Quality Assurance and Formal Program Review Policy and Procedure. |