Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy
Creation DateAugust 17, 2012
Approval DateAugust 17, 2012
Effective DateAugust 17, 2012

Organizational Scope

Each and every individual within the Michener community has a personal responsibility and accountability for reporting problems and ensuring that healthy and safe practices are exercised on a daily basis in all that we do.


The Michener Institute is committed to the welfare of our community members by preventing occupational injuries and illnesses and by providing a healthy and safe environment. As such, the health & safety of the Michener community is not only paramount, but part of the fabric of our philosophy and our everyday practice.


Michener is committed to ensuring that health excellence and accountability begins with each of us. It is Micheline’s corporate commitment that this policy is communicated to, understood and actively adopted by all employees, students, supervisors, contractors, clinical partners, and vendors integral to the delivery of our services and operations.

  • To continually improve internal health & safety standards and guidelines
  • To ensure compliance with all relevant health & safety legislation
  • To aggressively pursue a zero accident/incident rate

Policy Guidelines

Through focused health and safety audits, reviews, feedback and internal responsibility and accountability, Michener is committed to continuous improvement of our Health and Safety program and supporting initiatives. Compliance with all applicable health and safety legislation, codes of practice, internal standards and guidelines are how we continue to promote a positive health and safety culture.

All members of the Michener community are expected to promote and commit to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. Any individual acting in contravention of this policy or who may be deemed to have failed to meet their obligations towards health and safety, depending on the circumstances, may face appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination or academic dismissal.

Remember…’Safety starts with me’.

Emma H&S

Revision History

Date Reviewer Change(s) Made
September 1, 2016 Human Resources annual update