Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

HR-43 Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy | |
Department | People and Culture |
Creation Date | September 16, 2021 |
Approval Date | September 16, 2021 |
Effective Date | September 16, 2021 |
Organizational Scope
This policy applies to all Students in full-time and part-time programs that have a clinical placement component.
The purpose of this Policy is to outline updated organizational expectations with regards to COVID-19 vaccination.
The purpose of this Policy is to outline updated organizational expectations with regards to COVID-19 vaccination of students in full-time and part-time programs that have a clinical placement component.
Michener is the only post-secondary institution in Canada that is solely dedicated to Applied Health Sciences. The majority of Michener’s students are placed in health care settings, including hospitals, where they often treat vulnerable and immunocompromised patients that are most impacted by the COVID-19 virus. In keeping with Michener’s mission, vision, and values, Michener aims to provide excellence in training Students to be preeminent applied health science practitioners. In doing so, Michener intends to utilize this Policy to model and support best practices in hospitals, many of which have now mandated full vaccination in accordance with Directive #6 issued by Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health under section 77.7 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act on August 17, 2021 which aims to protect: healthcare workers, patients and healthcare system capacity.
Michener is mandating that all Students in full-time and part-time programs that have a clinical placement component, unless they have an approved exemption pursuant to the Ontario Human Rights Code (“the Human Rights Code”), be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to commencing their employment, work and/or studies with Michener.
Michener requires that all Students in full-time and part-time programs that have a clinical placement component receive the COVID-19 vaccine, unless they are exempt on the basis of medical or other grounds pursuant to the Human Rights Code
To facilitate this Policy, you will be required to provide one of the following:
- Proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 where, for the purposes of this Policy, “full vaccination” means having received all required doses of a COVID-19 vaccine approved by Health Canada; or
- Proof of a medical contraindication to vaccination as demonstrated by a written note provided by a physician or registered nurse in the extended class that sets out (i) a documented medical reason for Staff or Students not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and (ii) the effective time period for the medical reason (i.e., permanent or time-limited) (the “Documentation”); or
- A written request that another ground pursuant to the Human Rights Code applies which exempts an individual from getting the COVID-19 vaccine as demonstrated by evidence as required by Michener to determine that such a ground is in effect.
Full-time Students who are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons are required to provide the Documentation for review to Michener’s Health Services.
Students in full-time and part-time programs that have a clinical placement component who are unable to be vaccinated due to other grounds pursuant to the Human Rights Code are required to provide the related documentation for review to Michener’s People and Culture Department.
Educational Program
Where Full-time Students have not provided proof of vaccination or obtained an approved exemption by Michener, Michener will provide information about the risks and benefits of the vaccine, including an educational program that addresses the following learning components:
- How COVID-19 vaccines work;
- Vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines;
- Benefits of vaccination against COVID-19;
- Risks of not being vaccinated against COVID 19; and
- Possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination.
Vaccination Information Collected, Maintained & Disclosed
In order to ensure compliance with this Policy and in compliance with the Instructions, the following statistical (non-identifiable) data (“the data”) will be collected, maintained and disclosed by UHN and Michener’s Health Services:
- Statistical (non-identifiable information) that includes:
- the number of Students that provided proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19;
- the number of Students that provided Documentation for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19;
- the number of Students that provided documentation related to a ground pursuant to the Human Rights Code for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19;
- the number of Students who obtained approved exemptions from Michener that have completed an educational session about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination; and
- the total number of Students to whom the Instructions apply.
Upon request, Michener will disclose the statistical information to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (“MCU”) and/or the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) (collectively for the purposes of this Policy, the “Ministry”). The Ministry may seek additional detail within the requested statistical information outlined above.
The Ministry may further disclose this statistical information and may make it publicly available. Michener will provide no identifying information to the Ministry in relation to this Policy; all statistical information will be provided in aggregate form.
Michener’s Health Services department is collecting and receiving information from Students solely for the purpose of supporting Michener with the implementation and administration of this Policy further to Michener’s integration arrangement with UHN and such information will not be used by UHN for any other purpose.
Non-Compliance with the Policy
A failure of Students Students in full-time and part-time programs that have a clinical placement component to disclose to Michener Health Services their vaccination status or to comply with the terms of this Policy may result in discipline up to and including withdrawal from one’s studies in accordance with the Michener’s Withdrawal Policy, in the case of Students, visit: withdrawal & tuition refund policy and procedure.
If Students are dishonest with regard to their participation in testing, testing result or vaccination status, they will be terminated with cause or be immediately and permanently withdrawn from their program of study in accordance with the Withdrawal Policy.
Written requests for exemptions to the requirements of this Policy due to medical grounds should be submitted to Michener Health Services. Written requests for exemptions to the requirements of this Policy due or grounds pursuant to the Human Rights Code should be submitted for review to Michener’s People and Culture Department
Following the implementation of this Policy, Michener may review, revise and amend the requirements of this Policy in the face of evolving scientific evidence pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
September 16, 2021 | People & Culture | document creation |
December 4, 2024 | Student Success Network | document amended |