Offsite Examination and Invigilation Policy and Procedure

AC-REG-POLPRO-031 Offsite Examination and Invigilation Policy and Procedure | |
Department | Academic |
Creation Date | March 4, 2013 |
Approval Date | June 19, 2019 |
Effective Date | September 3, 2019 |
Organizational Scope
The Policy applies to all students enrolled in programs offered in The Michener Institute of Education (“Michener”).
The purpose of the Offsite Examination and Invigilation Policy and Procedure is to establish clear standards, expectations and procedures for both students enrolled in courses being delivered in either an online format or by distance and invigilators/proctors.
Proctor – person responsible for supervising students at an examination
Distance Education, aka Distance Learning – a method of study where teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e-mail, mail, etc., to have classes
Online – connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system (such as the Internet)
- Students enrolled in an online course who live within 100 km of Michener must write compulsory examinations at Michener’s campus.
- Students with special needs will be accommodated as required. Please refer to the Accessibility & Accommodation Policy .
- Students enrolled in an online course who live outside 100 km of Michener are eligible to request to write compulsory examinations off campus i.e. at an alternate invigilation site.
- A suitable alternate invigilation site may be an educational institution (high school, college, university) or at a Michener approved clinical site.
- For students who are writing at an alternate invigilation site:
- All arrangements and associated financial fees related with the exam, proctor and institution are the responsibility of the student.
- Michener must approve both the Proctor and invigilation site.
- Students may ask for suggestions of suitable Proctor / invigilation site from the Program.
- Michener’s Examination Rules and Regulations as defined in the Examination Invigilation Policy will be strictly enforced.
- Proctors must be either a professional representative from a university, college or high school and/or a regulated health care professional holding a current license in good standing from their respective regulatory college. A Proctor must not be a direct supervisor, colleague, relative, friend or another student.
- If for any reason a suitable Proctor and/or invigilation site cannot be arranged, the student will be required to make arrangements to write the exam at Michener’s campus at the scheduled date / time.
- The policy for the invigilation of supplemental examinations or missed compulsory evaluations at an alternate invigilation site will be the same as outlined above.
Procedure for Students
- The Proctor Form will be distributed to the students along with course materials at the start of their program and any applicable administrative fees that may be incurred.
- Note that offsite examination administrative fees are set by the program and may vary depending on format of examination and location, and are subject to change.
- The student will locate a Proctor and site and inform Michener, in writing, as per the required deadlines.
- Requests to write compulsory examinations off campus must be submitted in writing to the respective program administrative assistant a minimum of 3 weeks (15 working days) prior to the scheduled examination date.
- It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the alternate invigilation site is able to provide the appropriate technical equipment required for the assessment.
- Students will receive confirmation of approval within 3-5 working days of receipt of request.
- Note: Should Michener not approve the proctor and/or site the student must either secure an alternate proctor and/or invigilation site or make necessary arrangements to take the assessment at Michener.
- The student will submit the Proctor Form to the Proctor for completion (to be submitted by Proctor directly to program within five (5) business days of receiving it from the student).
- Once confirmation of approval has been received, the student will pay the applicable Invigilation Fee assessed to students writing an exam offsite to the Registrar’s Office.
- Once proof of payment is received, the program Administrative Assistant will send the exam information directly to the Proctor.
- In the event where the student is requesting special academic consideration for a change of examination date, the student will be required to submit a written request (by letter or email) clearly stating the reason for the request along with a $25 processing fee. The student will be required to contact the Program Administrative Assistant to arrange a meeting with their Academic Chair to discuss request. Additional documentation to be submitted will be determined on a case-by-case basis, to be discussed with the Academic Chair.
- At the time of the examination, the student will be required to adhere to Michener’s Examination Rules and Regulations as defined in the Examination Invigilation Policy.
- Please note that neither Michener nor the proctor are responsible for any personal property.
- Prior to the start of the examination, the student will be required to sign an acknowledgement of the examination rules and regulations. The acknowledgement will include the following statements:
- “I have been informed of the examination regulations and am aware of any repercussions as a result of my actions during the examination.”
Procedure for Proctors
Proctors are expected to follow the procedures outlined below to ensure that all students/candidates are treated equitably when writing examinations regardless of location. Students with special needs will be accommodated as required.
- The proctor must indicate acceptance of responsibility and agree in writing to abide by the examination regulations by filling out the proctor form, signing it, having it witnessed and returning it to Michener prior to dissemination of the examination.
- Prior to the Examination:
- The Proctor will complete the Proctor Form provided by the student and return it by fax or email to the Administrative Assistant of the program within five (5) business days of receiving it from the student.
- The program Administrative Assistant will send the exam information directly to the Proctor.
- Proctors are required to review Michener’s Examination Invigilation Policy.
- For electronic exams, the Program will send the proctor an email confirming the time and date of the exam.
- For paper-based exams, the Program will send the proctor an examination package.
- By return email, the proctor confirms they have received the exam information and agree to proctor the exam as per the Invigilation Policy and maintain the confidentiality of the exam.
- Day of Examination
- The Proctor(s) will arrive at the examination room at least 25 minutes prior to the commencement of the exam in order to ensure proper set-up and exam distribution. For electronic exams, the proctor should print all the exam documents (if required) prior to the exam and have it ready for the start of the exam.
- The layout of the room should be checked to ensure that students have adequate space in which to write and that clocks are functioning correctly.
- Students are expected to appear at the examination room at least 5 minutes before the commencement of the examination for paper based exams and 15 minutes before the commencement of an on-line (computer) exam.
- Exam Materials
- The Proctor will follow the policy and procedure as articulated in Michener’s Examination Invigilation Policy.
- Entry into the Examination Room
- The proctor will verify the identification of each student and complete the Proctor Verification Form, see example below
- The Proctor will follow the policy and procedure as articulated in Michener’s Examination Invigilation Policy.
- During the Examination
- The Proctor will follow the policy and procedure as articulated in Michener’s Examination Invigilation Policy.
- Conclusion of the Offsite Examination
- The Proctor will follow the policy and procedure as articulated in Michener’s Examination Invigilation Policy under Close of Exam & Departure.
- Return of Examination materials to Michener
- The Proctor will arrange for the prompt return of all exam materials, including student acknowledgement of examination rules and regulations and proctor verification form as follows:
- Computer based exams: The proctor will email or fax the completed proctor verification form, student acknowledgement of examination rules and regulations, and any rough work / hard copy exam materials (if applicable) to the Program Administrative Assistant within eight (8) hours after the completion of the examination. The Program Administrative Assistant will confirm that the form has been received and is readable. Once this has been confirmed, the proctor is requested to permanently destroy all copies of the completed proctor verification form, both hardcopy and electronic.
- Hardcopy / hybrid format exams can be returned to the program either by courier or by email as follows:
- Courier process:
- The proctor will place the hardcopies of each exam, including rough work in their perspective envelopes and then sign over the envelope flap indicating the invigilator was the one that sealed the envelope as proof that the exam has not been tampered with.
- The proctor will place the completed proctor verification form, student acknowledgement of examination rules and regulations and all examination materials in pre-paid Purolator envelope provided and return it to Michener within eight (8) hours after the end of the exam and sign the flap of the sealed exam as proof that the exam has not been tampered with.
- Email process:
- The proctor will email or fax the completed proctor verification form and exam document(s) (including rough work) back to Michener within 8 hours after the end of the exam. The Administrative Assistant at Michener will confirm that all information has been received and is readable. Once this has been confirmed, the proctor is requested to destroy all copies of the exam materials and answer sheets, both electronic and hardcopy.
- Courier process:
- The Proctor will arrange for the prompt return of all exam materials, including student acknowledgement of examination rules and regulations and proctor verification form as follows:
Associated Documentation
- Michener’s Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
- Academic Policy Violation Report
- Examination Invigilation Policy
- Proctor Form
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
March 6, 2013 | Renata, Bradley, Gail Rodrigues, Lisa Rosenberg and Paul Smith | policy creation |
June 22, 2017 | Catharine Gray | updated to comply with current practice (electronic delivery) |
June 19, 2019 | Catharine Gray, Catherine Ladhani | Reviewed to ensure policy and procedure is applicable regardless of assessment format. Wording revised for clarity and to reduce duplication of associated policies and procedures. Name of policy updated. |