Policy on Status Appointments

B6 Policy on Status Appointments | |
Department | Michener Board of Governors |
Approval Date | February 10, 2022 |
Effective Date | February 10, 2022 |
The purpose of status appointments at the Michener Institute of Education at University Health Network (“Michener”) is to recognize and acknowledge individuals who are not Michener full-time employees but who contribute to and play an active role in the academic and scholarly work of Michener.
Educators are involved primarily in the design or delivery of Michener courses and academic programs. A major cohort within the Educator stream are clinical staff who strengthen the relationship between Michener and the many affiliated clinical partners who are instrumental to the delivery of Michener programs. Individuals appointed in the Educator category can hold titles as Clinical Educators, Clinical Coordinators, Clinical Adjunct Professors or Educator Adjunct Professors. These appointment categories are described more fully in Appendix A.
Researchers hold the title of Research Adjunct Professor and is awarded to individuals from Michener’s partner organizations (including those in research, clinical, leadership and teaching positions) to enable high-quality research at Michener. Research Adjunct Professors are involved primarily in scholarly work in the general area of the scholarship of teaching and/or research that falls into the categories of pure applied research or user-inspired basic research as defined by Stokes (D.E. Stokes. Pasteur’s Quadrant: Basic Science and Technological Innovation. Washington DC, Brookings Institution, 1997). This may involve research studies evaluating the outcomes of programs, the best and most effective use of methods and technologies to improve teaching, or assessment of technologies and processes used by health professions and professions in which Michener operates. Research Adjunct Professors have a record of accomplishment in research, typically as principal or co-investigators, and normally have an engagement in research as part of their appointment in their primary place of employment.
Benefits of Status Appointments
Status Appointments provide benefits to both the Status Appointee and to Michener.
It provides the Status appointee the opportunity to enhance and expand their professional development by being associated and interacting with, and contributing to, a long-standing, distinct and specialized post-secondary institution specializing in the health sciences and professions. For many clinical staff, academic work is often a desired, and sometimes required, feature of their job descriptions. The appointment offers Status Appointees the opportunity to interact with students who are emerging future leaders in their fields. Michener and its programs also serve as a useful and productive laboratory for the testing of new, emerging and innovative ideas, as well as other research questions, in health sciences and health professions. Some types of appointments may also receive additional benefits such as the gratis provision of business cards and access to Professional Development Funds or a 25% discount of tuition in Michener Continuing Education courses.
For Michener, the engagement with Status Appointees ensures that our coursework and programming are informed and influenced by the latest and most contemporary issues and developments in clinical work and health education. It also offers increased opportunities for Michener full-time faculty to stay engaged with clinical work in their field and, if desired by them, to participate in relevant research and scholarly work to advance their work and careers.
Those holding a Status Appointment who work in our clinical sites are recognized annually in a special ceremony recognizing their contributions and are eligible for the Excellence in Clinical Teaching and Supervision Award and the Principal’s Award of Excellence in Clinical Education. Clinical Coordinators and Clinical Adjunct professors also have access to a Professional Development Fund and receive free tuition for the Clinical Educator Certificate.
Status Appointees receive no remuneration and are not entitled to office space at Michener (222 St. Patrick) unless special arrangements have been made and approved by the Head of Academic Affairs and Operations in light of the specific engagement of the appointee with Michener and the work they are doing.
All individuals holding a Status Appointment at Michener are recognized in the Annual Report and may advertise their Michener appointment as part of their professional credentials.
Appointment as a Status Appointee
Education Adjunct Professor or Research Adjunct Professor
Normally, the nomination of an individual for an Education or Research Status Appointment would be recommended by an Academic Chair, Dean of Students, Head or Associate Head of Academic Affairs and Operations or the Director of The Institute for Education Research (TIER). Nominations should be accompanied by the nominee’s CV and a brief description of the nature of the collaboration, or work, or engagement, the nominee would have at Michener. Nominations are approved by the Principal. The Michener Board of Governors will be informed of all such appointments on an annual basis. Individuals appointed as a Status Appointment will receive a letter confirming their appointment from the Office of the Principal, copied to the nominating individuals and the relevant unit(s). Please submit nominations to principal@michener.ca.
Clinical Educator, Clinical Coordinator, or Clinical Adjunct Professor
Individuals may submit an application through Michener’s website – Resources for Clinical Partners (https://michener.ca/partners/clinical/the-office-for-clinical-education-centralizing-functions-in-support-of-clinical-education/resources-for-clinical-partners/). Applications are approved by the Director for Clinical Education and the relevant programs. A letter and certificate confirming their successful application will be sent by the Director of Clinical Education.
Appendix A: Status Appointments in the Education Category
Clinical Educator:
Numerous employees at clinical sites are involved annually in the education of Michener students. A Clinical Educator is an employee of an affiliated clinical site identified by the site to work with, teach, or supervise students during their clinical placements.
Clinical Educators are responsible for maintain the excellence of the clinical instruction, evaluating students’ performance, and adherence to the clinical course outlines. Clinical Educators possess the certification/credentials to ensure that they can contribute appropriately to the student’s attainment of necessary clinical competencies.
Clinical Educators are assigned their supervisory role by the Clinical Coordinator/Supervisor, who is responsible to monitor the adequacy and quality of the supervision.
Clinical Coordinator:
The Clinical Coordinator is a member of clinical staff appointed by the clinical site and Michener to fulfill an administrative and coordination role for the students’ clinical education at the clinical site. The Clinical Coordinator works closely with all levels of clinical staff to effectively integrate student activities into the routine of the clinical environment.
The Clinical Coordinator is the liaison to Michener and the Office of Clinical Education and has overall responsibility and accountability for supervision of the clinical site and evaluation of students. Clinical Coordinators participate in program-specific Clinical Coordinator/Faculty Liaison meetings, advise on curriculum matters, and contribute to the program’s accreditation process by submitting site information as per the accrediting body’s requirements. Clinical coordinators receive business cards indicating their Status Appointment within Michener.
Clinical Adjunct Professor:
Clinical Adjunct Professor status is awarded to individuals from affiliated clinical sites in recognition of their commitment to the clinical education of Michener students that go beyond the contributions of a Clinical Coordinator. Normally, Clinical Adjunct professors will have a history of clinical practice and accomplishments in health education.
Education Adjunct Professor:
Education Adjunct Professors are involved in advancing the educational and academic mission of Michener in ways other than participation in the supervision of students in clinical sites and clinical placements. This may include contributions to program or course design or delivery and/or supervision of students in projects or practicums.
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
January 1, 2022 | Michener Board of Governors |