Seat Reservation Procedure

AC-REG-PRO-033 Seat Reservation Procedure | |
Department | Academic/Registrar |
Creation Date | March 27, 2013 |
Approval Date | June 11, 2024 |
Effective Date | June 11, 2024 |
Organizational Scope
This procedure applies to all full-time and part-time students enrolled in programs offered in The Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”).
To ensure consistent practice organizationally in response to requests for seat reservations for health care organizations both within and outside of the province. The contractual obligation is limited to one admission cycle and is in effect for the duration of the program to which the seat reservation applies. The organization/clinic wishing to enter into such an agreement with Michener will hereafter be called the Sponsor.
All seat reservation requests, will be referred first to the appropriate Academic Chair. The Academic Chair and after consultation with the Vice Principal, Academic & Operations will contact the potential seat reservation to provide information on the seat reservation procedure. The Academic Chair will then inform the Registrar’s Office and the Office of Clinical Education of the request.
Office of Clinical Education
The Office of Clinical Education will contact the Sponsor to discuss:
- The requirement that students will be placed at the purchaser’s site for the full clinical component of the program where applicable within the program.
- The requirements to become a clinical partner site and provide:
- in consultation with the program Clinical Liaison Officer (CLO), the Checklist to Become a Clinical Site;
- Michener’s Affiliation Agreement.
- The requirement for a potential site visit or virtual site visit by program faculty and/or Office of Clinical Education representative if required. In the event that an in-person site visit is required, the costs for the site visit will be covered by the Sponsor.
The Sponsor will provide:
- Number of seats they wish to reserve
- The Sponsor must confirm the number of seats they wish to reserve
- Payment of tuition and other fees
- There is a non-refundable administrative Seat Reservation fee (determined by the Vice Principal, Academic & Operations) per academic year that will be invoiced at the signing of the Seat Reservation Agreement. This fee is in addition to tuition and student fees;
- The Seat Reservation Agreement will indicate whether the student or the Sponsor is responsible for payment of the tuition and mandatory fees for each of the nominee(s). If the Sponsor is responsible, they will be invoiced for the seat purchase annually.
- Students enrolled through this agreement are eligible for scholarships but are not eligible for any awards where there is a financial need associated with the award. These students are also not eligible to receive any bursary support from Michener. The Sponsor is responsible for informing students of same.
- The Sponsor must also outline in advance how they will proceed in the situation should their sponsored student(s) incur additional costs due to poor performance and are required to repeat part of the program.
- Clinical Affiliation
- The Sponsor is required to sign and maintain a current Clinical Affiliation Agreement. This entails meeting all training, reporting and grading standards as directed by Michener;
- Amendment to the Clinical Affiliation Agreement may be required to ensure it aligns with the Seat Reservation Agreement, e.g., Sponsor is required to pay for clinical visits, etc.;
- The Sponsor must agree to provide all clinical placements (as required for the respective programs) for each of their nominees who are admitted to Michener.
- Student Nominations
- The Sponsor is required to provide the name of the applicant(s) they are sponsoring and ensure their application(s) are received by January 15th in the year that they are applying. Being nominated by a Sponsor does not guarantee the nominee(s) admission to the program in question. The nominee(s) must follow the regular application process and must also meet all academic and non-academic admission requirements as outlined below.
- Application and Admission Requirements for all nominees
- Every nominee brought forward through this process must apply either through the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) or through Michener’s Self Service Application.
Student Status
- The program will commence on the date published by Michener. The Sponsor agrees that the sponsored nominee will be a student of Michener and will be accorded the rights and responsibilities of Michener students and must adhere to all policies and procedures as set out by Michener. The Sponsor will not require the student to adhere to academic policies other than those of the program.
- All deposits and fees must be made by the published deadlines by either the Sponsor or the nominated student (depending on the agreement reached).
- Should the Sponsor’s nominee(s) not be successful for academic or other reasons, the Sponsor may be given an opportunity to maintain their clinical status and accept a non-sponsored student for a clinical placement dependent on the number of students and clinical placements available in the program at the time, at no cost to Michener.
Academic Program
- The Academic Chair, in consultation with the Vice Principal, Academic & Operations, will verify if there are any provincial seat placement agreements in place that might be enhanced prior to moving forward with an individual sponsored site request.
- The Academic Chair will work with Registrar to ensure that the applicant has met all entry requirements and is competitive within the pool of applicants. If the above conditions are met:
- The Academic Chair will contact the appropriate individual at partnering institutions where the seat reservation request involves a joint program (if applicable).
- The Academic Chair must confirm through the Office of Clinical Education that the site meets clinical standards as set out by Michener.
- If none of the nominees put forward by the Sponsor are successful, and the reservation agreement was made with the understanding that the program was accepting above the usual admission quota, Michener has the right to consider admitting additional non-sponsored students into the program if the Sponsor agrees to provide clinical placements for the non-sponsored students. Should this be the situation, the Sponsor will agree to take the non-sponsored students at no cost to Michener.
- The nominee(s) must complete all requirements for admission, including submission of all relevant academic transcripts and documents demonstrating they meet the admission requirements for the program;
- In addition, the nominee(s) must have an overall grade point average that falls within the top 20% of the applicant pool as determined by the Registrar’s Office.