Space Management

FAC-POL-001 Space Management | |
Department | Facilities |
Creation Date | April 2, 2019 |
Approval Date | May 8, 2019 |
Effective Date | May 23, 2019 |
Organizational Scope
All Michener Staff and Faculty
No one owns space, space is an institution asset managed by Facilities with the mandate of stewardship. The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures for the reporting, change and allocation of space in the St. Patrick Campus.
Space Reporting
Facilities will report to the Education Executive on a regular basis:
- Annual academic space use reporting
- Update on space changes which do not require Education Executive Committee approval.
Facilities will further submit for decision by the Education Executive Committee:
- Space Change Plans which require approval.
- Requested Policy Variances.
Types of Space
The Michener institute aligns to the space planning categories outlines by the council of Ontario Universities, with some amendments. The approved list of space types are.
1.1 Tiered Classroom
1.2 Non-Tiered Classroom
1.3 Classroom Service Area
2.1 Scheduled Class Laboratory
2.3 Laboratory (Instructional) Support
4.1.1 Single Person Academic Office
4.2 Research Office/Project Space
4.1.2 Share Academic Office
4.4 Departmental Administration and Support Staff Offices
4.5 Office support space
5.1 Library Collection Space under the Jurisdiction of the Library System
5.2 Library / Office space under the Jurisdiction of the Library System
5.4 Study Space under the Jurisdiction of the Library System
5.5 Study Space not under the Jurisdiction of the Library System
7.1 Food Facilities
7.2 Food Facilities Services
9.1 Plant Maintenance
10.1.1 Single Person Admin Office
10.2 Admin Office Support Space
10.1.2 Shared Admin Office
12.1 Central Computing Facilities
12.2 Other Central Services
13.1 Health Services Facilities
14.1 Student Offices and Support Space
14.2 Recreational Facilities and Services
14.3 Lounge and Service Space
14.3.1 Locker Rooms
16.1 Central Utility Plant
16.2 Other Non-assignable
16.2.1 Women’s Washroom
16.3 Inactive Unassignable
16.2.2 Men’s Washroom
16.2.3 Other Washroom
19.7 Instruction Service Activities to the External Community
20.1 Clinical Spaces for Treatment
Space Change Plan
- A Space Change Plan is document produced by Facilities that aligns a space request, to a space resource by means of a space change type and approves it for execution.
- A space plan is not a project plan. If required by facilities a project plan will be created to deliver the work required to execute the space change plan.
Space Request
A space request is submitted to the Director of Facilities.
The Director of Facilities will review the request and advise on a process consistent with this policy.
Space Resources
Space currently not being used which could meet a space need either directly or through multiple moves.
Policy Variance
Space currently assigned in a way that is not consistent with this policy (see Existing Policy Variance), which could be aligned to meet a space need.
Creation of New space
This includes any change to the physical building that affects the use of the space or changes to core business practices (such as the academic calendar) to meet a space need.
Space Change Types
Change of Use of space
Change of use describes a space move which affects the COU classification of the space. Converting an office from shared to private would trigger this type of change.
Change of Assignment of space
Change of assignment describes a space move which affects the cost entity associated with the activities preformed in the space.
Change of Occupancy of space
Change of occupancy describes a change to the specific assigned employee in the space.
Approval of Plan
The space change plan must be approved based on the space change type as outlined in Table 1.
Table 1: Space Change Plan Approval
Use | Assignment | Occupancy | Approval Required |
X | Education Executive Committee | ||
X | Facilities and department Director(s) or above | ||
X | X | Education Executive Committee | |
X | Facilities and department Director(s) or above |
Office Space
The section applies to space types 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.4, 10.1.1, 10.1.2
Categories of Office
The primary goal of office space assignment is to provide space equity among employees of similar role.
Space Type A : Private Office – Target Area 11.14 to 13.93 m2 (120 to 150 ft2.)
- President/CEO
- Executive Vice President
- Vice President
Space Type B : Private Office – Target Area: 9.29 to 11.14 m2 (100 to 120 ft2)
- Executive Director
- Senior Director
- Director
- Registrar
- Academic Chair
Space Type C: Shared Office – Target Area: 5.24 m2 (64 Ft2.)
- Senior Manager
- Manager
- Team Lead
- Faculty
Space Type D: Shared Office – Target Area: 4.83 m2 (52 Ft2.)
- Administrative Assistance
- Officer
- Executive Assistant
- Accountant
- Clerk
- Coordinator
Space Assignment and Employee Status
This policy gives preference to full-time permanent employees.
Acting or Interim in a Position
When an employee is Acting or Interim in a role they can, at their supervisor’s discretion be assigned space already assigned for that role. Absent of this, new space consistent with this policy will be not be guaranteed for that employee.
Term Position
When the term of a position is less than 1 year, a space will not be guaranteed for that employee that is consistent with this policy. Facilities will work with the hiring manager to determine a space adequate to complete the work. This may include shared or swing space.
FTE less than 0.6
When the FTE level of the job is less then 0.6, a space will not be guaranteed for that employee that is consistent with this policy. Facilities will work with the hiring manager to determine a space adequate to complete the work. This may include shared or swing space.
Existing Policy Variance
- Where the current office space assignment of the employee does not match the policy, their space assignment is deemed as “red circled”.
- The Director of Facilities will inform on an annual basis, all Directors and above, if staff or faculty that report to them are “red circled”.
- If an approved space change plan affects a “red circled” space, the employee will be assigned a space consistent with this policy.
Approved Variance
- Approved variance requests will be assessed on a two part frame work.
- The Director of Facilities will submit this plan to the education executive committee for review and approval.
- An “approved variance request” is to be submitted to the Director of Facilities.
- Where the approved office space allocation outlined in this policy is deemed insufficient to meet the requirements of the employee’s role, the employee’s supervisor may make a request for an approved variance.
- Does the space assignment outlined in the policy negatively affect the outcomes of or expectations of privacy and confidentiality of students, faculty, and or staff.
- If so, can the need outlined in part a, be addressed in another way that has a greater space utilization.
- If the variance is approved a space change plan will be generated accordingly.
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
April 2, 2019 | Paul Martin, Director, Facilities | document creation |