Minor Emergency Weather Related Closures (Decision Making Process)

HR Minor Emergency Weather Related Closures (Decision Making Process) | |
Department | Human Resources |
Associated Documentation
Weather Related Closures – Leadership Group, Process and Decisions
Leadership Group:
- Senior Director, Academic Operations and Quality (Lead – Academic)
- Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development (Lead – Staff)
- Director, Communications and Marketing (or designate)
- Director, Information Technology/Information Management (or designate)
- Senior Director, Academic Programs
- Manager, Building Services
- Manager, Centre for the Advancement of Simulation Excellence
Leadership Group Process Responsibilities:
Academic and Staff Leads
- Monitor impending severe weather conditions and information from other GTA post-secondary schools on weather related open/close status
- Based on this information make the decision to convene the Leadership Group as soon as possible to prepare for communicating and implementing any weather related closure
Director, Communications and Marketing (or designate)
- Continue to monitor impending severe weather conditions and information from other GTA post-secondary schools on weather related open/close status (update information to be provided to the Leadership Group)
- Based on decisions made by the Leadership Group, will;
- Update the Michener website on open/close status due to weather
- Update appropriate Michener social media on open/close status due to weather
- Update appropriate news outlets on open/close status due to weather
Director, IT/IM (or designate)
- Based on decisions made by the Leadership Group, will;
- Update myMichener on open/close status due to weather
- Activate phone message to alert callers on Michener’s open/close status due to weather
Senior Director, Academic Programs
- Provide information to the Leadership Group on the impact of a closure on the academic programs, including continuing education, and coordinate the process to implement any plan to address a closure by the academic programs and continuing education
Manager, Building Services
- Ensure appropriate service resources remain in place (e.g. security, maintenance) to address any building issues related to severe weather and/or a building closure
- Provide information to the Leadership Group on the impact of a closure on any external groups/clients impacted by a closure
Manager, Building Services
- Provide information to the Leadership Group on the impact of a closure on any external groups/clients impacted by a closure
Decision Making Authority:
The Leadership Group will review all appropriate information to make an informed decision on whether to continue, or close, Michener’s operations due to severe weather. The Academic and Staff leads will provide an update to the Executive on any closure decision made by the Leadership Group and then send out an all staff/student email to advise of Michener’s decision to close.