Granting of Honorary Diploma Procedure

Honorary Diploma Committee

  1. The Principal of the Michener Institute of Education at UHN will establish an Honorary Diploma Committee comprised of the following members:
    • Executive Vice-President, Education
    • Principal, Michener Institute of Education at UHN
    • Head of Academic Affairs and Operations
    • Dean of Students
    • One Academic Chair
    • One full-time faculty member
    • One full-time student
    • One Board member
  1. The Chair of the Committee will be the Principal of the Michener Institute of Education at UHN.
  2. Quorum shall constitute 50% plus one.
  3. The duties of the Committee are as follows:
    • Conduct all duties confidentially in a closed meeting and maintain records confidentially.
    • Consider and determine if nominees meet the eligibility requirements.
    • Once prospective recipients have been considered eligible, the Committee will execute due diligence based on information received in the nomination package and information publicly available to the Committee.
    • Recommend the top-ranked candidate to receive the Honorary Diploma to the Michener Board of Governors.
  4. The Michener Board of Governors will review and approve, reject, or defer approval of the recommended candidate.


  1. Nominees for the Honorary Diploma are nominated by members of the public or current employees, students, Michener or University Health Network Board of Governors members or alumni.
  2. The nominees should be exceptional individuals who have made significant contribution in health care and/or post-secondary education, whose accomplishments provide inspiration and leadership to the graduates, and who, by their presence, bring distinction to The Michener Institute of Education at UHN.
  3. A nominator may submit or support one nomination during a nomination cycle.
  4. A member of the Honorary Diploma Committee may nominate a potential recipient, participate in the discussion but then must recuse themselves from the Committee decision.
  5. Nomination packages must include:
    1. a completed nomination form,
    2. a curriculum vitae of the nominee (if available) or similar documentation[1], and
    3. a minimum of two supporting reference letters.
  6. The Committee will rank order potential recipients that it finds acceptable and recommends its top ranked candidate to the Michener Board of Governors. The Board approves, rejects of defers approval of the recommended candidate. If the Board rejects the Committee’s recommendations, the Committee can then forward other acceptable candidates to the Board.
  7. Confidentiality shall always be maintained. Candidates are not to be notified of their nomination as not all candidates can be recognized. The nominator will receive confirmation of receipt of the nomination.

[1] Includes credentials, work experience, contributions, awards, etc.

Presentation of Honorary Diplomas

  1. Once approved by the Michener Board of Governors, the Board Chair will contact the proposed recipient to offer them the Honorary Diploma and confirm their acceptance and attendance at the Convocation ceremony.
  2. Honorary Diplomas will be presented during a convocation ceremony or another public event.

Revocation of Honorary Diplomas

Honorary diplomas may be revoked by the Michener Board of Governors on the recommendation of the Principal. Such recommendation shall be based on evidence and guided by the principles of fairness.

Associated Documentation