Leave of Absence Policy

Leave of Absence Policy
Approval DateJune 11, 2024
Effective DateSeptember 3, 2024

Organizational Scope

The Policy applies to all students enrolled in full or part-time programs* offered in The Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”).

*Students in joint programs must refer to their program handbook.


This Policy provides the framework for a student to request a Leave of Absence and for the review of the request by the Academic Chair.


Academic Chair: The head of an academic program or a group of programs.

Program: An approved program at Michener.

Student: An individual who has been admitted to and enrolled in a Program.


A student  may request a leave of absence from their program of study due to prolonged illness, injury, or due to personal circumstances which make it temporarily impossible to continue in the program. The Academic Chair will review the request and may require supporting documentation in order to approve. All Leave of Absence decisions made by the Academic Chair will be considered final.

Approved leaves of absence are not to extend beyond one year. Except in extreme circumstances, students will not be granted more than one (1) leave during their program. Conditions for return may be established by the program to support success upon return.

Leave of Absence approvals are subject to the Withdrawal Policy timelines, tuition refund schedules, and OSAP rules and regulations.

A return from a Leave of Absence is considered a readmission. Students may only be readmitted to a program one (1) time unless approved by the Academic Chair due to extreme circumstances.

Associated Documentation

Revision History

Date Reviewer Change(s) Made
February 18, 2011 Bill Pittman Document revised
March 21, 2011 Academic Approval Council Approved
October 23, 2013 Academic Approval Council Clarified the connection to the Withdrawal Policy
June 15, 2017 Wendy Pais Document reviewed; no changes required
August 9, 2019 AAC AA “ The Michener Institute of Education at UHN, School for Applied Health Sciences (“Michener”)” added to scope; and amendment to associated documents to reference NEW Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy and Procedure
May 7, 2020 Cathy Carson Aligns policy and procedure, adds definitions, clarifies scope and purpose, clearly define the process, roles and responsibilities for initiating the leave and returning from the leave, and insertion of lifeline statement.