Professional Development Allotment for Clinical Coordinators and Adjunct Professors Procedure

AC-OCE-PRO-007 Professional Development Allotment for Clinical Coordinators and Adjunct Professors Procedure | |
Approval Date | June 28, 2018 |
Effective Date | September 4, 2018 |
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that Michener staff and Clinical Coordinators and Adjunct Professors follow the correct process for submitting an expense claim for reimbursement for professional development activities.
Claims must be submitted to the Office for Clinical Education within 60 days of the expense being incurred. Although the annual PD allotment is available until March 31, it is strongly recommended that claims are submitted well in advance of the March 31 deadline in case additional documentation is necessary. Once approved, reimbursement cheques will then be issued withing 45 days from Michener’s Finance Department to the claimant. to avoid unnecessary delays in processing claimant are encouraged to contact the Office for Clinical Education regarding submission dates and supporting documents in advance.
All claimants must complete and sign an expense clain form and submit it to the Office for Clinical Education. Supporting documents must be included when submitting PD claims. The claimant should also keep complete copies of claims submitted.
Michener reserves the right to disqualify or return claims if detailed documentation is not submitted.
The Administrative Assistant in the Office for Clinical Education will review the claim for accuracy, double-check totals, review and resolve any questionable expenses with the claimant. The Manager, Clinical Education Relations, will approve the claim and forward it along to the Finance Department for processing.
Supportive documentation must be included for specific claims as detailed below: Official receipt (copy or online) in the claimant’s name from the educational institution, organization or professional society hosting the event AND Proof of completion Copy of a Certificate of Attendance, transcript or name tag in the claimant’s name from the educational institution, organization or professional society hosting the event and course outline or conference agenda Note: Travel expenses to attend courses/workshops or conferences must have prior approval by the Manager, Clinical Education Relations. The claimant must complete a Travel Approval Form and submit it to the Manager, Clinical Education Relations. The maximum daily meal allowance is $50. The purchase of alcoholic beverages is not a permitted expense. Please see Expense Policy located on Proof of completion For public transit: For driving in personal vehicle: For accommodation expenses: For meal expenses:
If books are purchased online AND OR OR Note: Books must have been received by the claimant prior to submitting the claim
If program is purchased online AND OR
If software is purchased online AND
NOTE: Purchases limited to one (1) device every three (3) years. Smart devices, desktop computers, additional warranties, and nonessential accessories will not be supported. If device is purchased online AND OR
Note: The membership must not be a requirement to work in the claimant’s jurisdiction.
Clinical Coordinators may transfer some or all of their annual allotment to a colleague provided that a written request (e-mail is acceptable) is forwarded to the Director, Clinical Education Relations prior to any claim being submitted indicating: AND Note: The person to whom the allotment is being transferred, must have a current status appointment with Michener. All such requests will be considered on an individual basis.
Tuition fees for courses/workshops or professional conferences
Proof of registration
Travel, accommodation and meal expenses to attend courses/workshops or professional conferences
Purchase of reference textbooks
If books are purchased in person at a bookstore
Subscriptions to professional journals
Purchase of educational computer programs in support of approved educational activity
If the program is purchased in person at a bookstore
Purchase of electronic reference software (e.g. e-textbooks)
Purchase of electronic tablets or laptops to store and access electronic reference software (e.g. e-textbooks)
If the device is purchased in person at a store
Annual membership dues for professional societies
Transferring of PD Allotments
All claims must adhere to the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Guidelines (Ontario). Michener will reimburse the status appointed Clinical Coordinator/Adjunct Professor for any reasonable expenses for professional development up to the annual (April 1 to March 31) allotment, based on the placement of student(s) at that site during that academic year. There is no carryover of the PD allotment from one fiscal year to the next.
Failure to submit all required supporting documentation as per the March 31st deadline will result in loss of PD allotment for the fiscal year.
Associated Documentation
- Criteria and Processes for Status Appointments of Clinical Partners
- Professional Development Allotment for Clinical Coordinators and Adjunct Professors Policy
- Expense Policy
- Expense Claim Form (PDF) (Excel)
- Travel Approval Form (PDF) (Excel)
- Broader Public Sector Guidelines
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
July 14, 2014 | Don Bartlett | Add purchase of electronic tablets and e-textbooks Add the 60 day submission requirement |
March 23, 2016 | Don Bartlett | Minor editing for improved clarity |
June 28, 2018 | Don Bartlett | Failure to adhere to the 60 day submission added. Addition of laptops as an approved PD expenditure and stream lining processes |