Transfer Credit Policy and Procedure

AC-REG-POLPRO-025 Transfer Credit Policy and Procedure | |
Department | Academic |
Approval Date | May 7, 2020 |
Effective Date | September 8, 2020 |
Organizational Scope
The Policy applies to all full-time and part-time students enrolled in programs* offered in The Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”).
*Students in joint programs must refer to their program handbook.
The purpose of this policy is to outline the process for admitted students to apply for transfer credit for course work successfully completed at another accredited post-secondary institution or for exemption for course work successfully completed at Michener.
Academic Chair: The academic administrator responsible for the program(s).
Audit: Enrolment in a course that permits a student to attend without being evaluated for credit.
Exemption: Where an internal Michener course may be used for credit in another Michener program.
Transfer Credit: Credit granted for course work successfully completed at another accredited post-secondary institution.
Self-Service: The student web portal where students can view enrolments, statements and unofficial transcripts.
Unofficial Transcript: An unofficial listing of courses enrolled, completed, credit granted and credentials awarded.
Students who have been admitted to a program at Michener are eligible to apply for transfer credit for course work successfully completed at other post-secondary institutions (or for internal Exemption) provided the course work meets the course competencies and learning outcomes of the applicable Michener course(s).To ensure that a timely evaluation occurs, students must submit Transfer Credit requests, supporting documents (transcripts and course outlines) and the transfer credit fee at least three (3) weeks prior to the start of the course.
- A transfer credit may be granted if:
- The student has successfully completed comparable course work in a given subject matter within the past 5-year period, and the student has obtained at least a passing grade equivalent to 2.00 on the Ontario Medical Schools Application Service (OMSAS) undergraduate grading system conversion table;
- There is evidence of continued involvement with the subject discipline in the same or a related health science field or course of study.
- Michener does not award partial credit for any course of study. Michener may recommend students attend lectures or labs with Michener-specific protocol where deemed to be in the student’s best interest;
- The Registrar’s Office will notify students when Transfer Credit or Exemption is awarded and it will be recorded on the academic record and viewable on student’s unofficial transcript on Self-Service;
- The decision of the Academic Chair is final;
- A student who has been granted a Transfer Credit or Exemption may still choose to audit the Michener course provided they have the approval of the Academic Chair and register as an audit student at the Registrar’s Office. Refer to the Course Audit Policy for more details;
- A grade of EQV will be assigned to courses where Transfer Credit or Exemption is granted. This grade will not have a Grade Point Average (GPA) assigned, but will appear on the student’s transcript as a credit earned;
- Transfer Credit for programs offered jointly between Michener and one of its University partners must submit all documentation to the University partner and will have their transfer credit assessed by the University.
Student who have been admitted to a program at Michener* and have paid their deposit and/or tuition may submit to the Registrar’s Office a request for Transfer Credit form along with official transcripts and the transfer credit assessment fee. Requests should be submitted at least three weeks prior to the start of the term.
*Students enrolled in programs with academic partners must apply to the University partner.
Associated Documentation
- Exemption/Transfer Request Form
- Course Audit Policy
- OUAC – OMSAS Undergraduate Grading System Conversion Table (available July 9, 2019)
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
September 3, 2011 | Pinar Peacock | Associated documentation inserted |
April 2, 2014 | Academic Approval Council | Streamline and improve process for students and faculty Changes include: - New/first year students required to submit their transfer credit paperwork 3 weeks prior to start of semester. Late acceptance students will receive exemptions from this policy. - Increase in Grade average requirements from C to B. |
June 15, 2017 | Wendy Pais | Removal of all references to advanced standing |
August 9, 2019 | AAC AA | "The Michener Institute of Education at UHN, School for Applied Health Sciences (“Michener”)" added to scope |
February 28, 2020 | Cathy Carson | Procedure added to policy. Definitions added. Minimum grade required modified to align with post-secondary standards. More clearly define processes and move to automated communications advising students of approved or denied transfer credit. |