SSN Career Workshops

Your Career Starts Here!

SSN offers full time students job search related sessions to start their professional careers.

If you are looking for health care related job search resources, please go to  and find Student Success Network. Scroll down to Career Development Services to find videos, handouts and PP presentations on resume and cover letter writing, job interviews, networking and more.


Winter 2025 Career Workshops

Tips on Resumes and Cover Letters and Q and A with UHN Hiring Managers

Date: TBA

Learn tips on how to put a shine on your resume and cover letter and join a Q and A with UHN hiring managers.


Job Interview Tips, Career Fair Strategies and Q & A with UHN Hiring Managers

Date: TBA

  • Find out what to expect in a health care interview, how to answer “the weakness question”, how to manage stress, and more!

More information coming soon…..


Winter 2025 Assertive Skills Development

Assertive Skills for your Health Care Career Certificate Workshop (4 hours)

Wednesdays January 22, 29 and February 5, 12, 2025 @ 1-1:50

Location: Virtual

You will learn how to:

  • Respond assertively to difficult situations
  • Manage challenging conversations in a professional manner
  • Use managerial level communication skills,

Registration required. Please email . Enrollment is limited.
Students will receive an SSN Certificate of Attendance to put a shine on their resume.

You must attend all 4 sessions.