
Organizer Requirements

The Michener Institute is representative of education programs across the 5 campuses of the University Health Network (St. Patrick Campus, Toronto General Campus, Toronto Western Campus, Princess Margaret Campus, and Toronto Rehab Campus). We now have a continuing education and professional development framework to help you ensure high educational quality for a full range of professions on TeamUHN.

Specifically, for the issuance of Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Section 1 and 3 credits, The Royal College has granted Michener the ability to accredit CPD activities it develops, or co-develops. Individuals, teams, or organizations not affiliated with Michener, and who seek to have a learning activity accredited by Michener, can pursue the accreditation process so long as there is a Michener representative (staff, faculty, or instructor) who are part of the planning.

In order for a program to qualify for review and accreditation to issue MOC credits, the CPD activity organizer must meet one of the criteria listed below:

  1. The UHN organizer has a formal affiliation with Michener (e.g. staff or faculty appointment)
  2. If the UHN organizer does not have a formal affiliation with Michener, the UHN organizer is co-developing the CPD activity with an organizer at Michener. Learn more about co-development.

Activity Requirements

Requirements vary based on the type of activity you would like to have accredited. Please use the information below to determine the category in which your CPD activity falls.

Section 1 – Group Learning

Activity Type:
Group events such as: Conferences/Symposia, Seminars, Workshops, Courses

A group learning activity provides groups the opportunity to confirm or expand knowledge or practice, to identify new therapies or approaches, and to share practice issues or experiences.

Accreditation Requirements: 
Group learning activity requirements

Section 2 – Knowledge Assessments

Activity Type: 
Self-assessment programs (“SAPs)

A SAP provides an individual participant with feedback on their knowledge base.

Accreditation Requirements:
Self-assessment program requirements

Section 3 – Performance Assessments

Activity Type:
Simulation activities

A simulation activity provides an individual participant or group (e.g. interprofessional team) with feedback on their personal or collective performance. This involves direct observation by a colleague, supervisor, or peers.

Accreditation Requirements:
Simulation activity requirements

Michener is now accepting applications for accreditation!

Applications should be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the intended start date of your CPD activity.
Questions? Email