Michener student satisfaction
How satisfied are you with your learning experience? Support services? Employment outcomes? We want to hear from you!
Student, graduate and employer satisfaction feedback is vital to the decision-making process at Michener. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are an important vehicle for us to hear from our most important stakeholders (i.e., you).
Student Satisfaction Rate | 77.8% | 82.0% | 77.0% | 79.3% | 84.5% |
Graduate Satisfaction Rate | 83.3% | 95.2% | 91.2% | Pending | Pending |
Employer Satisfaction Rate | 100% | 100% | 100% | Pending | Pending |
Employment Rate | 96.3% | 88.1% | 79.4% | Pending | Pending |
Graduation Rate | 87.9% | 91.0% | 93.0% | 92.0% | Pending |
Key Performance Indicator | 2018/19 | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 |
How are KPIs calculated?
Five (5) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are identified by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), in collaboration with the Ontario Colleges, to measure college performance against MCU’s goals and objectives and to ensure accountability of publicly funded institutions. Four (4) of the five (5) KPI results are calculated using the results from three (3) different surveys administered to students, graduates, and employers. These results are used to inform program and institution continuous quality improvement at Michener.
Information reported in any of the KPI surveys outlined below is anonymous and will not identify an individual in any way. Surveys are not conducted on programs with less than five (5) students.
Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey
Students taking classes on-site at Michener will have the opportunity to complete this survey during the winter semester.
The student satisfaction rate is calculated as the average satisfaction across four (4) capstone questions where students rate their overall satisfaction with:
- Their program providing them with knowledge and skills that will be useful in their future career;
- The quality of the learning experience in their program;
- The quality of the services at their school; and
- The quality of facilities at their school.
Graduate Satisfaction Survey
Graduates are surveyed by phone via a third party approximately six (6) months after graduation.
The graduate satisfaction rate is the % of respondents who are satisfied with the usefulness of their college education in achieving their goals after graduation.
The graduate employment rate is the % of respondents who are employed.
Employer Satisfaction Survey
Employers are surveyed by phone in late January/early February every year.
The employer satisfaction rate is calculated as the % of respondents who are satisfied with their employee’s college preparation for their job.
Employment Rate
The employment rate KPI is calculated as the % of respondents indicating that they were employed or self‐employed during the reference week (approx. 6 months from graduation).
Graduation Rate
The graduation rate KPI is calculated as the % of students who graduate from their program within a particular window of time that is established by the MCU.
OSAP Reports
All Ontario colleges that offer the Ontario Student Loan (OSL) as part of the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) are required to make available performance indicator data which include the Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan (COISL) default rates, the graduate employment rate, and the graduation rate. One common methodology has been used by all Ontario colleges to calculate these reports, which are updated annually.
OSAP Performance Indicators: Default Rate 2013-14
OSAP Performance Indicators: Default Rate 2014-15
OSAP Performance Indicators: Default Rate 2015-16
More Information
General information and Ontario Student Loan (OSL) default rates can be found on the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ (MCU) Ontario Student Awards Program (OSAP) website.
How we are implementing feedback
You spoke. We listened. Here’s how we’re working to improve your Michener experience based on your feedback we have received in the past:
LRC “Tap Hours” ![Image of LRC Student Badge](https://michener.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/LRCTap.png)
As of December, 2017, the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) has been piloting extended hours for student access. Students can ‘tap’ into the library with their student IDs before and after regular hours (from as early as 7am and as late as 11pm). Please visit the Learning Resource Centre Full Schedule for more information.
Mental Health Matters
The Student Success Network (SSN) has partnered with “Psychotherapy Matters Virtual Clinic” in order to provide students with psychiatric support through virtual consultations. Michener’s in-house Counselors are also offering flexible hours to meet the needs of students on campus, both in-person and via telephone. Contact SSN or visit Psychotherapy Matters for more information.
IM Kiosks in the LRC
Run into a computer problem in the LRC? Don’t want to have to go up to the Information Management (IM) Office to resolve it? You don’t have to! IM has installed kiosks in the LRC to allow students to contact them from the library.
These are just some of the examples of changes we’ve made as a direct result of student feedback.
Do you have more ideas? New suggestions? Let us know by submitting Student Feedback Form.
Student Feedback Form
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