Admission Policy

Admission Policy
Approval DateMarch 21, 2018
Effective DateSeptember 4, 2018


The purpose of this policy is to define how The Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”), as an accredited post-secondary institution, and as a steward of public funds (as funded by the province of Ontario) admits students to its based-funded programs.


Admission to Michener

To be admitted, applicants must qualify as either domestic students or international students.

Domestic Students

Definition: Applicants who are in possession of valid documentation confirming their legal status as Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or convention refugees.

International Students

Definition: Applicants who are not domestic students who meet the guidelines established for international students in Canada by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Application Submission

Applications are submitted:

Full -Time Base Funded Programs: Ontario Colleges Application Service (OCAS)

Full-Time Programs with University* Academic Partner: Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC)

Part-Time Programs: Michener Application Form

*University academic partners include: Laurentian University, University of Toronto

Program Admission and Selection

Program admission requirements vary by program and are identified in Institute publications. At the application closing date, as published in Michener publications, applications are assessed to determine if admission requirements are met and then all qualified applications are ranked. Top ranked applicants are invited to Multiple Mini Interviews* (MMIs) which are an objective and transparent tool to assess applicants’ suitability for their chosen program. Scoring for MMIs is added to the admission requirement ranking and then the applicants are re-ranked. Offers are issued to the top ranked candidates within the program’s admission quota.

*for those programs that do not have MMIs, offers of admission are issued to the top ranked applicants within the program’s admission quota.

Out of Province Applicants

As an Institute funded primarily by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) with a goal of meeting the provincial human resource needs of the healthcare industry, priority admission is provided for qualified applicants who are residents of Ontario.

Ontario residency is defined by the Province’s Advanced Education Ministry as a “person who can establish bona fide residency in Ontario as a Canadian citizen or permanent residence as defined by Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months (excluding periods spent in a postsecondary institution) prior to registration in the year for which application is being made”.

In those cases where it is not possible to meet program* enrolment targets with Ontario applicants, enrolment targets may be met by qualified out-of-province applicants provided they meet all academic and non-academic admission criteria.

*The exception to this policy is for those programs where Michener offers unique programming in Canada and is deemed to serve a national need. As well. in those cases where clinical sites are only available out-of-province, admission may be extended to qualified out-of-province candidates. 

Revision History

Date Reviewer Change(s) Made
March 1, 2018 Cathy Carson Policy creation and approval
August 9, 2019 AAC AA “The Michener Institute of Education at UHN, School for Applied Health Sciences (“Michener”)” added to purpose