Graduation Policy

AC-REG-POL-036 Graduation Policy | |
Department | Academic |
Creation Date | July 8, 2015 |
Approval Date | June 25, 2020 |
Effective Date | September 8, 2020 |
Organizational Scope
The policy applies to all full-time and part-time students enrolled in programs* offered in The Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”).
*Students in joint programs must refer to their program handbook.
This policy defines the minimum standard of academic achievement required by all students to graduate from approved Michener Institute of Education at UHN (“Michener”) programs including minimum grade point average (GPA), credential types, length of time to complete program requirements, recognition of academic distinction and responsibility for assessing eligibility for graduation.
Convocation: A formal ceremony for the conferring of Michener credentials.
Credentials: Master’s Degrees*, Advanced Diplomas, Graduate Certificates and Certificates as defined by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
Distinction: Awarded to a graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.70 (80%) or greater, who has had no supplemental activity in courses, and who has received a “Pass” without extensions or supplemental activity in all clinical courses and no instances of academic probation on their transcript at the time of graduation will be awarded Distinction standing upon graduation.
Graduate: A person who has received an academic credential.
Residency: To be eligible for any Michener credential, a student must be enrolled and complete at least 50% of that program’s credits at Michener.
Graduation from approved Michener programs requires students to successfully complete all courses in the approved program curriculum meeting academic standards that ensure the validity and quality of the awarded credential. Students must achieve a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0, although higher graduating GPAs may be stipulated.
Michener credentials include Master’s Degrees*, Advanced Diplomas, Graduate Certificates and Certificate as defined by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development. Normally, students must complete all program requirements within the program’s curriculum timeframe but may take additional time due to suspension or a leave of absence (refer to the Leave of Absence and Academic Standing policies).
In order to graduate, students must be in good standing with the Institute and will not be permitted to graduate with outstanding fees or other debts to Michener.
Graduates with a cumulative grade point average of 3.70 (80%) or greater, who have had no supplemental activity in courses, and who have received a “Pass” without extensions or supplemental activity in all clinical courses and no instances of academic probation on their transcript at the time of graduation will be awarded Distinction standing upon graduation.
*Master’s Degrees – pending PEQAB approval
Board of Governors’ Award of Academic Excellence
There is one (1) Gold Medal and one (1) Silver Medal awarded for each of the full-time programs. The Board’s Gold Medal Award is awarded to the student with the highest** cumulative grade point average, with a minimum of a 3.7 GPA, and with no failures or supplemental grades or instances of academic probation on their transcript at the time of graduation.
The Silver Medal Award is awarded to the student with the second highest* cumulative grade point average, with a minimum of a 3.7 GPA, and with no failures or supplemental grades or instances of academic probation on their transcript at the time of graduation.
**In the event of a GPA tie, the number of A level grades will be considered (by level) to break the tie.
Evaluation of Program Completion and Graduation
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for auditing each student’s academic record and will mark student records as complete upon evaluation of the student having completed all program requirements with the appropriate program cumulative GPA. Program completion will be noted on Official Transcripts.
The conferral of credentials at the annual Convocation ceremony constitutes graduation and following that ceremony, student records will be updated from program Completed to Graduated.
Convocation Ceremony
Michener has an annual Convocation ceremony typically held in June of each year where credentials are conferred. All credentials will be available at the Convocation ceremony for graduates who have confirmed their attendance. Credentials will be available for pick up from the Registrar’s Office after convocation. Students may elect to have their credential mailed to them, by submitting a Credential Request Form. Credentials not collected will be held by the Registrar’s Office for one (1) calendar year from the date of convocation.
The Program name printed on the credential will be the approved program name. Signatories on the Masters Degree*, the Graduate Certificate ,and the Advanced Diploma are the UHN President, the Chair of the Board of Governors, the Executive Vice-President Education, and the Registrar. The date of conferral is the date of graduation. The student name printed on the credential will be the current legal name, as it appears in the graduate’s file in the Student Information System (SIS).
Continuing Education Credentials
Credentials for approved Continuing Education programs are issued by the Registrar upon successful audit of program completion. Signatories on Certificates are the Director, Continuing Education and the Registrar. The date of conferral is the date of completion of the last course in the program.
Replacement Credentials
If a student requests a replacement credential, it will bear the signatures of the current executive leadership and current institution names and logos and will be marked as a “Replacement Credential” with the original program completion date and the date of re-issue printed on the credential. There is a fee for replacing credentials.
*Master’s Degree – pending PEQAB approval
Associated Documentation
Leave of Absence Policy and Procedure
Revision History
Date | Reviewer | Change(s) Made |
July 8, 2015 | Roni Srdic | policy creation |
June 15, 2017 | Wendy Pais | Requirement for Graduation section added |
June 28, 2018 | Cathy Carson | Include credential types; include requirements for graduation (GPA and program); separate program completion from graduation; include distinction requirements; include residency requirements; separate out CE Certificates; remove procedural details; remove reference to "university" |
August 9, 2019 | AAC AA | “The Michener Institute of Education at UHN, School for Applied Health Sciences (“Michener”).” added to scope |
June 25, 2020 | Sydney Redpath | Add Master’s Degree (pending PEQAB approval) |