Tutorials in Hematology and Coagulation

Course Information

Course Code


Instruction Method

ONLINE – login information will be emailed within 3 business days of registration


Domestic: $803
International: $1004


Maximum 6 months to complete


Rouzbeh Chegeni

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, the learner will be able to;


  • Identify the various types of microscope, manual techniques involved in cell counting, structure, function and pathophysiology of hematopoietic cells.
  • Correctly identify numerous cell organelles and how these organelles assist in the identification of various types of anemias and leukocyte neoplasms.
  • Understand pathological changes and how they subsequently affect the laboratory results.
  • Correlate and interpret laboratory results with red and white blood cells morphology changes.
  • Describe and correctly identify various anemias based on red blood cell morphology.
  • Describe and correctly identify various leukemias based on white blood cell morphology.
  • Describe the structure of platelets.
  • Understand primary and secondary hemostasis.
  • Understand the role of platelets in coagulation cascade.
  • Correlate the function of platelets and pathogenesis of various coagulated-related disorders.
  • Describe and understand the automation and instrumentation common to hematology and coagulation laboratories,
  • Understand what quality control and quality management system principles as applicable to a pathology laboratory, and
  • Identify and understand the safety practice aspects necessary to operate safely in a hematology and coagulation laboratory

Evaluation Method

Online tests, final online exam

Course evaluation is based on online quizzes and a final online exam.

Intended For

Anyone requiring a refresher course or referred by the CMLTO or CSMLS.



This is a CMLTO and CSMLS approved refresher course.

Text Book

Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications 4th edition. Authors: Bernadette F. Rodak, George A. Fritsma and Elaine M. Keohane. ISBN #9781437706925, Publisher: Elsevier-Saunders, 2011. Not included in course fee. It is recommended that students obtain this textbook prior to starting the course. Students are responsible for acquiring course textbooks. Textbook can be purchased at the U of T bookstore.

Topics Covered

• Hemostasis and an introduction to thrombosis.
• Introduction to thrombosis and anticoagulant therapy.
• Disorders of plasma clotting factors.
• Quantitative and qualitative platelet disorders and vascular disorders.

• Chronic Myeloproliferative disorders.
• Chronic Leukemia and related lymphoproliferative disorders.
• Myelodysplastic syndromes.
• Hemolytic anemias.
• Laboratory techniques related to clinical hematology and coagulation.


Tutorials in Hematology and Coagulation – HE837

Registration instructions:

  1. Select button “View Available Sections and Registration”
  2. This page contains 3 boxes. Click on the “Sign In” box
  3. If you have a Self service account, sign in here. If you do not, then create an account.
  4. Select your course/section by clicking the “Add” button which will send the course to your cart.
  5. To move on to payment, click the blue “Register” button.
  6. Once payment has been processed, registration is complete.