
What are Micro-credentials?

Micro-credentials have emerged in higher education as a new, innovative way to document the skills you have gained. Michener is excited to relaunch many of its current offerings as micro-credentials.

A micro-credential is a type of certification that demonstrates achievement of a skill that has been formally assessed in an educational environment. They can be achieved as part of other formal credentials, or as separate continuing education offerings. Micro-credentials are meant to be a fast and flexible way to certify your achievement of skills and competencies. These are designed for people and organizations to integrate critical skills in your workplace.

Micro-credentials will only be issued for competencies that address areas of need and growth in the health care system. They must be developed with the endorsement of industry and with the intention of preparing professionals to engage in today’s workforce.

Micro-credentials are Board-approved credentials. They are:

  1. Competency / skills-based
  2. A summative assessment component that shows evidence of achievement of outcomes
  3. Endorsed by an industry / employment partner / external body

Michener is using the eCampusOntario Micro-credential Principle and Framework as guide to delivering micro-credentials.

Michener is your partner in lifelong learning. We are here support the development of micro-credentials. Read below for more information about requirements and timelines.


Micro-credentials must:

  1. Be competency / skills-based
  2. Include a summative assessment component that shows evidence of achievement of outcomes
  3. Be endorsed by an industry / employment partner / external body
  4. Align with Michener’s Education Plan

Process for Approval

Micro-credentials are endorsed by Michener’s Senior Management Team with formal approval to be required by the Michener Board of Governors.

  1. Complete the Micro-Course / Credential Concept Form. You can use the companion Application Guide to clarify any of the questions.
  2. Submit your completed form to ce@michener.ca.
  3. Your form will be assessed within 2-4 weeks.
  4. If your concept is supported, your request will be reviewed by the Michener Senior Management Team. If your concept is endorsed, an advisory team will be formed to lead development of the micro-credential. You may be required to provide resources to enable this work. If you are requesting Michener to consider an existing program to become a micro-credential, there will be a curriculum quality review to ensure compliance with Michener’s education standards.
  5. Upon completion of a development plan, the full micro-credential proposal will be reviewed by Michener Senior Management Team. If endorsed, the proposal will be moved forward to the Michener Board of Governors for approval. Deliver the micro-credential.

Michener will be issuing micro-credentials as of September 2022. You can visit our micro-credential offerings page to see what is available to you.

For more information on this process, or if you have any questions, please email ce@michener.ca.