eCampusOntario Micro-credential Principle & Framework

Ready to launch a micro-credential initiative?

The eCampusOntario principles and framework is a great place to start. Join fourteen Ontario colleges and universities and contribute to the development of a nimble skills recognition system in Ontario and beyond. This framework was developed by a community working group of employers, colleges, universities and other public agencies dedicated to building a harmonized micro-credential ecosystem in Ontario. This is a living document. Partner organizations and institutions are encouraged to test this framework in their contexts and share their findings publicly to enable the development of a healthy microcredential ecosystem that serves all Ontarians.



Micro-credentials will only be issued for competencies that are currently relevant to the labour market. Relevance is achieved through consultation and partnership between employers and post-secondary institutions.


Micro-credentials will be verifiable, and integrity will be maintained.


Once awarded, micro-credentials and associated data will be the property of the earner.


Micro-credentials will be designed to facilitate continuous pathway for lifelong learning, where possible.


Issuing Body

Micro-credentials will be issued by an established agency, organization, institution, or employer.

Competency/Skills Targeted

Micro-credentials will adhere to harmonized skills and competency language and will be aligned with a common competency framework such as European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO ).


Micro-credentials will recognize performance competencies explicitly aligned to underlying knowledge, attitudes and skills.

Summative Assessment

Micro-credentials will require evidence of achievement of outcomes. Evidence will be embedded and visible to employers.


Micro-credentials will be compatible with traditional transcripts, where possible.

Partner Endorsement

Micro-credentials will be validated by industry partners/external bodies, where possible. This validation will confirm 1) the competency is in demand by industry and; 2) the established assessment is reflective of job performance in that industry.