Dorothy A. Hubbs & Family Scholarship

Established in 2006 by Dorothy A. Hubbs, these endowed awards are the most significant individual gifts given to Michener students. These scholarships are presented to students in their graduating year who have clearly demonstrated a commitment to learning by continually striving to enrich their studies and experience at Michener by undertaking independent studies or research. The recipients have also demonstrated a commitment to community leadership through volunteer activities, mentoring and tutoring other students, and exhibit professional behaviour in both academic and health care settings with a commitment to patient care and interprofessional collaboration. The recipients are nominated by program faculty, with the nominations supported by the program chair.

Program(s): All Programs

Title: Dorothy A. Hubbs & Gamble Family Scholarship

Code: S-04

Type: Award

Term Status: In final Year.

Residency Requirements: Ontario resident. Canadian Citizen (or PR or PP).

OTSS Funded**: Yes

Demonstrated Financial Need*: Yes

Criteria 1: Evidence of a commitment to learning by continually striving to enrich their studies and experience at Michener by undertaking independent studies or research within or outside Michener. (Topics of study may include subject areas outside of the student’s chosen program of study).

Criteria 2: Community leadership illustrated through volunteering activities outside of Michener and/or through their contribution to the quality of Michener student life.

Criteria 3: Exhibited good communication skills as illustrated by undertaking activities such as giving presentations, tutoring, mentoring, or active participation in promoting Michener stewardship. Exhibited consistently professional behaviour in both academic and health care settings. Committed to improving the lives of others, as illustrated by the ability to work effectively both as an individual and in an interprofessional team providing collaborative patient centred care.

Minimum GPA: B

Type of Application: Nomination (Program with support of Chair)

Application Requirements:  

Nomination/Reference Requirements: A one-page nomination letter from the program outlining why the student is eligible for this award based on the noted criteria. To support the nomination, a typed and signed letter of reference* on letterhead from an academic, leadership or community resource, and any other additional relevant documentation to support the nomination is advised. *Relevant to the last 18 months.

Selection Made By: Scholarship & Awards Committee

Award Value: $5000

Number of Awards: 2

Nominate Awards:

*If the Scholarship, Award or Named Bursary indicates “Yes” to “OTSS Funded” and/or “Demonstrated Financial Need”, have your income and expense information handy to enter on page 2 of the online application.

**Michener established various endowed Awards through generous donor contributions that were matched by the provincial government’s Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS). The income generated from these endowments is used to support Awards for Michener students who are Canadian citizens (or permanent residents or protected persons), who are residents of Ontario (student has lived in Ontario for at least 12 consecutive months up to the beginning of full-time post-secondary study).