MMI Invitations for Full-Time Program Applicants

For Michener Full-Time Program Applicants: Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) E-Mail Invitations will be sent during the week of April 13th, 2015. Top-ranked candidates will receive an email invitation to one…

High Fidelity Manikins

How Michener is using manikins to enhance education and drive simulation further When you walk into an intensive care unit simulation suite at The Michener Institute, the first thing you…

Michener Faculty: Showing our Value through Action

The Michener Institute’s Recognition Program celebrates our shared values and accomplishments to create a culture where our people feel valued, and that contributions are recognized in meaningful ways. One of…

Student Experience at Michener

At Michener, we’re committed to exceptional student experiences both inside and outside the classroom or clinical setting. Find out how current students get the most out of their time here at…

What is Radiation Therapy?

Steps in Radiation Therapy Treatment How do I become a Radiation Therapist? The Michener Institute offers joint programs in radiation therapy with University of Toronto that’s accredited by the Canadian…