Clinical Placement Relocation Award

Established in 2008, the Clinical Placement Relocation Awards are presented to students who have relocated 100 kilometres or greater from their home address to their assigned clinical placement. Consideration for this award is also based on the recipients’ career aspirations, abilities and achievements.

Program(s): All Advanced Diploma Programs

Title: Clinical Placement Relocation Award

Code: A-08-9452

Type: Award

Term Status: Clinical Placement

Residency Requirements:

OTSS Funded*: No

Demonstrated Financial Need*: Yes

Criteria 1: Maintained a good academic standing.

Criteria 2: Had relocated 100kms or greater from their home address to their assigned clinical placement.

Criteria 3:

Minimum GPA: N/A

Type of Application: Application & Reference

Application Requirements: A letter (200 – 500 words) describing how he/she would benefit by receiving this bursary.  The applicant could discuss their career aspirations, abilities, achievements and circumstances that the selection committee should consider.

Nomination/Reference Requirements: Two letters of reference on official letterhead from an academic, leadership or community resource. This excludes reference from faculty within the applicant’s program.  Letters of Reference must be relevant to the last 18 months of applicant’s related activity.

Selection Made By:  Scholarship & Awards Committee

Award Value: $2000

Number of Awards: 2

Application Instructions:

Refer to the “Application Requirements” and “Criteria” above and provide written evidence of how you meet the criteria and upload with your application.

*If the Scholarship, Award or Named Bursary indicates “Yes” to “OTSS Funded” and/or “Demonstrated Financial Need”, have your income and expense information handy to enter on page 2 of the online application.