International Tuition Fees

Please note The Michener Institute will be accepting Full-Time international applications for the Fall (September) 2024 Intake. All full-time programs are open to international applicants.

International Tuition & Mandatory Fees 2024-25

Full-Time Programs

Chiropody Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 24,677.09 3,658.26 28,335.35
Year 2 37,201.40 3,408.59 40,609.99
Year 3 24,316.95 3,217.39 27,534.34

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

Cardiovascular Perfusion Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 70,214.40 3,658.26 73,872.66
Year 2 44,774.40 3,408.59 48,182.99

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

Diagnostic Cytology Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 31,591.24 3,658.26 35,249.50
Year 2 10,428.08 3,408.59 13,836.67

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

Digital Health and Data Analytics Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 30,013.60 3,658.26 33,671.86
Year 2 30,013.60 3,408.59 33,422.19

The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.

Genetics Technology Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 33,331.18 3,658.26 36,989.44
Year 2 11,110.39 3,408.59 14,518.98

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

Medical Laboratory Science Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 26,932.56 3,658.26 30,590.82
Year 2 40,017.82 3,408.59 43,426.41
Year 3 13,403.72 3,217.39 16,621.11

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

MRI (1th Discipline Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 41,184.00 3,658.26 44,842.26
Year 2 27,456.00 3,408.59 30,864.59

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

Respiratory Therapy Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 15,507.55 3,658.26 19,165.81
Year 2 23,039.55 3,408.59 26,448.14
Year 3 15,276.30 3,217.39 18,483.69

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

Ultrasound Tuition and Mandatory Fees ($) – 2024/25
Year of Study Tuition Other Fees Total Fees
Year 1 33,653.37 3,658.26 37,311.63
Year 2 22,114.57 3,408.59 25,523.16

Please Note:

  • The non-refundable $1500.00 deposit will be applied to the total Fall tuition fees.
  • Other program-specific fees are excluded from the tuition and ancillary fee totals reflected above.

Mandatory Non-Tuition Fees

Ancillary Fees 2024/25 ($)
Fee Items Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 or Clinical
Alumni 33.99 33.99 33.99
Digital Media Fee 319.13 319.13 172.33
Graduation 54.45
Handbook 10.82 10.82 10.82
Health / Counseling Services 135.96 135.96 135.56
Identification Card 16.22
Locker 10.50 10.50
LRC printing 20.00
Orientation 90.75
Student Success Network Fee 99.50 99.50 48.67
Student Council – Athletics 39.66 39.66 39.66
Student Council – Operating 37.85 37.85 37.85
Student Enrolment Fee 48.67 48.67 48.67
Technology Fee 198.38 198.38 198.38
Subtotal: 1,115.88 934.46 725.93

External Fees

Ancillary Fees International Students – 2024/25
External Fee Items Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 or Clinical
International Student Health Insurance 1,974.15 1,974.15 1,974.15
International Support and Advising 500.00 500.00 500.00
Mask Fitting 68.25
Total: 3,658.28 3,408.61 3,200.08